Hi everyone,
I thought it was time I updated this thread so that any UK newbies could get a fuller picture and not be left wondering about the outcome, when trying to understand how treatment pans out in Blighty.
Since I last posted on the "treatment in the UK" at the beginning of October, I have seen the Doc at the Oncology Centre in Bristol, but I had a surprise at my apt when she said she wondered what I was doing there as she had received a report saying, " no treatment needed"! This had been sent in error somehow, as the neurosurgeon said I needed SRS and was referring me. (If my GP hadn't chased the apt I would have been left in limbo. Bit scarey).
By the way the surgeon said he doesn't operate on ANs unless they are big ones. This was Frenchay in Bristol, Somerset. The Oncolgy centre is at Bristol Uni Hospitals.
The Oncology Doc found my MRI on the system and confirmed I did indeed need SRS. This procedure would be with be Linac with the headframe being fitted at 7.30am on the day, then a CT scan then zapping at 5.30pm. I would then be sent home after removal of the frame. SRS being a one off treatment. She estimated the AN to be 14.5mm x 10 x 8 in the IAC bulging into CPA.
I eventually got a date of Dec 6th and an MRI with dye for the week before, 30th Nov. I felt I could relax at last, albeit knowing after effects can be worse for a while and symptoms may not resolve, but at least I was on the way to the other side of treatment.
But three days ago I got the call I was dreading. Yes my treatment was cancelled as my slot was needed for an emergency case. Well of course one feels bad for the emergency case, but at the same time you worry maybe being an emergency case is the only way to get treated these days on the NHS. I don't say this flippantly because I do fear about growth spurts in the months since my MRI which diagnosed the AN. Also another Bristol AN patient I have talked to had his cancelled before me.
I was given the next available date which I think no one wanted cos it is the day after boxing day , 27th Dec and a rescheduled MRI on the 21st. I'm uncertain about public transport availabilities on that day, it's a one and a half hour trip door to door one way, so I'll probably be taking out a mortgage for a taxi! But that is the least of my concerns. I don't know how I'll cope emotionally if they cancel again.
AN's are not considered urgent, and this is worrying as you are left with the size the tumour is at treatment with SRS (unless you get shrinkage). The bigger it is, the more symptoms you may be stuck with, and I've quite a long list already!
Anyway fingers crossed I get zapped on the 27th!