Dear Cindy,
I am one happy camper after my Gamma Knife experience this June 11th past, in fact just yesterday, I passed my 4 month milestone on what I hope is a mild ride waiting for symptoms of swelling and eventual necrosis of the tumor. Dr. Sisti has said that there is a 3 to 9 month window were some symptoms may develop before necrosis (cellular death).
Happily, I have only had mild headaches and some neck pain in the couple of weeks after the procedure but I returned to work full time 2 days after the procedure. Scarring was minimal.....They faded 3 weeks after the device was removed. I have had minimal facial twitching mostly in the morning and some in the evening though.
Wishing you well on your journey! I will pray for you.
Did anyone tell you the machine is silent? They didn't tell me and I was pleasantly embarrassed when in the middle of the procedure I said "is somebody going to turn this thing on?" and my doc told me that I was halfway done! No problem, I just returned to the meditation, and in a flash it was over. The whole procedure lasted 40 minutes.
Hope it goes as pleasantly for you.