You will be in my thoughts as you prepare for your surgery this month. As PP has mentioned, recovery will be different for everyone. The biggest piece of advice that was given to me before surgery was 1. the first 3 days are the most difficult and things get better and better each day after that and 2. be prepared for your body to be sore, as being left on the operating table can cause that.
Also, when you get home, you will know what is best for you, dont strain yourself, and take advantage of your support. When people offer, take it, as you will recover better without pushing yourself.
My recovery was a little different as i had some complications after surgery. But once I was home from the hospital, i found that getting outside and taking a walk in the park was a really good way to build up my energy. Although i only got about 500 feet my first walk, and then took an 1 1/2 hour nap, i thought it was progress.
Also, it took me about 2 weeks to feel ok to drive, and even then, it was a little difficult and i only went to the grocery store in my neighborhood, but with the balance, it does help to get out there and do things again that you used to. Just make sure your comfortable with it before going.
You will know your body and when you feel up to certain things, dont push yourself, and hopefully you have a nice employer that will allow you to take the time you need. I took all 3 months of my FMLA leave, although i think i could have went back to work at about 2 months. ( i took advantage of the extra time off
Good luck, my best words of advice came from my doctor, he said "have peace with this, its in their hands now, and they will take very good care of you"