As promised here's what my Oticon rep. said about why I have the "power" unit :
It is common practice for audiologists to select a Power processor for patients with Single Sided Deafness, especially if they have any high frequency hearing loss in their better ear. With SSD more high frequency gain is needed as the skull dampens the transmission of high frequency sounds across the skull. If you have even a mild high frequency loss in the good ear, then it is desirable to have a bit more high frequency gain to compensate for that loss. If the high frequency gain is all the way to the limits of the instrument, it may cause some distortion of sound. So even if the Ponto Pro technically has the amount of gain needed to compensate for the “transcranial attenutation†and the mild HF loss, it may be suboptimal. Anecdotally, many SSD patients who are fit with the Ponto Pro, have shown a preference for the Ponto Pro Power even if they have completely normal high frequency hearing in the better ear.
After talking to my audiologist I've also come to the hopeful conclusion that even though my abutment HEALING is done, it may not be fully osseointegrated yet....(slaughtered THAT spelling!) and that my hearing should improve over time. I only just had surgery early in August, and my ENT had a policy of giving the processor as quickly as possible without damage to the abutment. What I CAN hear now is extremely similar to what I heard while wearing the test unit with the headband. My audiologist tested me to make sure it wasn't my processor that was being bad - so she clipped her demo unit to my abutment and it sounded the same. Then she put the headband on the demo and clamped THAT to my head - and as I said it was very close to what I am already hearing. They did increase my volume a bit, but we're hoping that it's only temporary. Actually, we went golfing today (hubby and me) and the golf cart was the old gas-style at this course which is quite noisy and I was actually able to hear him over the noise!!! I also went to a class today where there were only about 10 of us in a room and each person would speak....of course one gal had a particularly soft voice (of course sitting on my deaf side - one person away) but I could hear her fine! I had to focus and concentrate on listening well, but fortunately there wasn't a lot of background noise either. So all in all things are looking up!
Oh - and I've created a new safety cord that I'm going to submit to Oticon - where the cord is actually attached to my abutment and not clothing that I'm wearing. After emailing my idea to Clarice I changed it to be only the 6# fishing line touching the abutment screw....but showed my audiologist my other creation using a rubber "O" ring to attach to the abutment and she thought they both looked great. She didn't see any issue with things touching the abutment as long as I wasn't getting feedback or vibrations from them. So I'll keep everyone posted. So far I've had 3 REAL times this safety cord has saved my processor from a fall.....SO glad I have it!