Hi thisisajourney,
I think brain surgery was the easy part, living with Tinnitus is just unbearable at times. People don't understand what we are suffering, from friends to love ones, they just don't get it. I went to that web site and played those sounds at work looking for my sound, when a colleague a few seats away said out loud " what is that sound?" I told him, and he asked me to stop, he couldn't appreciate what we suffer through.
Here is what I have found can help a little, or as I say, keep me from the really roaring days.
Clarice spoke of some already, but I always like to run through them all. Stay away from, caffeine, alcohol, sulphides, nitrates, salty foods like potato chips, beacon, cold cuts etc., aspirin. Try and get quality sleep. They sell this cute little device that produces sounds, you can chose from the beach, rain forest etc. I keep it on my night stand and use it when I am in the ugly phase. I pray and hope they can find a way to cure us.
God Bless.