Nan again. In my NON-EXPERT opinion/knowledge, Gentamycin isn't usually used for translab since there should be no hairs left in there (it kills the hair/reception fibers, not the nerves), and not a risk to hearing since we trans-labbers have no hearing in that ear. My doc said there are some risks, but wouldn't say what. However, if you have residual nerve function, it might be helpful. It is injected locally, so can't hurt other ear. It is dangerous as a general anti-biotic because it DOES kill balance hair fibers.
After 8 months of misery, I am now on Klonopin which eases the dizziness. It is the only thing that helps me function. The Chicago expert dizzy doc I saw (Dr. Tim Hain) said even taking the meds, dizziness should resolve as long as we get rigorous exercise and do vestibular exercises. I gave up on them (sorry, Capn Deb) because they didn't help me. I have more complex reasons for dizziness, however, as I mentioned to you before. HOWEVER, I am now trying to walk 2 miles every day, which is HUGE for me from 3 months ago.
Hope this helps
DD (Nan)