Hi all-
Just an update...
My face continues to improve. I still have a sarcastic looking smile but I think my droop is better. The eye seems a bit better too, but still has a way to go. I saw the ENT this past Thursday and he seemed pleased. He said see me in early January and when I asked about exercises he said we could talk about it then-I guess he thinks my face/eye may get better yet.
I still can't purse my lips completely and dribble if I drink out of a soda bottle, but it certainly is much better than right after surgery. Much much better. The first days were so hard-but it did get better. It is different from last year, but definitely better.
Sometimes, I grieve my hearing-especially when in noisy or busy environments...but I don't much venture forth into those yet.
My left vision is still off, but I am going to the eye doctor Thursday...I may have something else going on. The ENT said my vision should not be affected-I think that is what he said. IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO WRITE DOWN YOUR questions and doctors' answers; like so many on the site have said, we get so ferklempt when we are finally in the doctor's office, we forget half of what we wanted to ask. One thing he did say was we will talk about hearing devices after I have healed some more.
I tried driving yesterday. It went all right, but I just went to the grocery store, and I would not risk passengers yet.
Have a good night, all. Thanks for your support.