Author Topic: Translab on October 17th NYU  (Read 39173 times)


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2012, 07:03:18 am »
Millie thank GOd they got all of your tumor too! With mine they claim they got 99 - 99.9% of it. My MRI is scheduled for December for their baseline to read from. I had a CT scan when I was in hospital to check things after surgery. I guess I will have to be getting MRI tests every 6 months at first, will know more after see docs again. Take care. And Great on your facial getting better!
New Jersey- Female- 54
Self Diagnosed July 6, 2012
Officially Diagnosed August 16, 2012      3CM AN
Surgery at Jefferson Neuroscience Sept. 25, 2012
Removed 99.9% of tumor-10 hour surgery-Retrosigmoid


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2012, 10:25:21 am »
I will pray you have a good result.  When I was in the hospital, one of the interns on the doctor's team (a student I think) said they were going to do an MRI and also and EKG but then they changed their mind.  It seems reasonable to do an MRI after three months when everything has calmed down a bit.  The doctor who wanted me to have cyberknife said they can never really tell if the tumor will come back because cells are so tiny and invisible.  I hope for a good result, too, in January- but 99.9% are pretty good odds, Deb!  We can stay positive!
Today I washed my hair and blew it dry with less hassle.  I am actually thinking of getting a haircut-a trim-I would wash and dry it myself, then go in and ask them to cut it dry.  I think this is better for the hair anyway.  My eye still waters, but I actually put makeup on today! Even a dab of eyeshadow.  It looks better!
I think each day is a teensy bitbetter.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving every angel on this site!


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #47 on: November 21, 2012, 08:05:26 am »
I think my face is a little looser.  Last night I had some twinges in my upper left tooth and this morning my smile seems a little less crooked.  Have a good day, all.


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2012, 09:19:41 am »
Great news!!
6/2009 7mm x 4mm  W&W
8/2011 9.5mm x 5mm
2/2012 UPMC Follow-up , slight growth
Surgery on 7/18/12 w/Drs. Friedman & Schwartz (mid-fossa)


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #49 on: November 22, 2012, 08:54:36 am »
That is Great Millie! Have a great Thanksgiving! We are truly blessed even with all the symptoms we have to endure. =)
New Jersey- Female- 54
Self Diagnosed July 6, 2012
Officially Diagnosed August 16, 2012      3CM AN
Surgery at Jefferson Neuroscience Sept. 25, 2012
Removed 99.9% of tumor-10 hour surgery-Retrosigmoid


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #50 on: November 24, 2012, 07:49:06 pm »
My eye is really bothering me-I don't know if it is irritated by the drops or the fact I am trying to use the computer more than usual...I have not been wearing my eyeglasses because of the surgery and my eyes had been so fussy after surgery it was easier not to wear eyeglasses.....add to that that one eye is extremely nearsighted, and the other extremely farsighted, and you get a sense of my frustration. I'm always holding my left eye shut then it starts to tear.  Today I went into a few stores to try to do a little shopping and with the tearing eyes, the SSD (which has not really bothered me so much yet) and the out of head feeling I got very discouraged.  I think if my eye keeps this up I will e-mail the doctor and/or his nurse practitioner...also my facial droop seems to have gotten better but now maybe it  has decided to stay  status quo since my eye is still not blinking like the other one...I go back to the doctor DEcember 6.  Hmmmm. A little frustrated.
Thanks all. G'nite. Mil


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #51 on: November 24, 2012, 07:54:18 pm »
We have not heard from Lilygold who was to have surgery November 13th.  Those first days are so hard.  Remembering her in prayer...


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #52 on: November 27, 2012, 11:47:00 am »
Hi Millie, don't get discouraged! I am 9 weeks out and the facial is still getting better, my eye gives me the major probs at times. I also have noticed my AN side eye still has issues, my mouth is getting better quicker than my eye but there is still improvement with both. I have noticed the computer causes more eye strain at times but it gets better. And what is funny is I was watching something on TV other day and got teary eyed but only on the good eye side. =) My balance is getting really good my only complaint is the pain I get. When I walk my neck muscles hurt so I get a headache, when I sleep I wake up with a headache, I sneezed the other day for the first time and that was not so bad, but I kept getting this tickle in my throat and coughed- Oh My God! It hurt so bad I was brought to tears holding my head, my poor dog did not know what to do kept trying to give me his paw poor thing. I did find out now if I bend at the waist when I cough the pain is not as bad. So my best friend is Ibuprophen and the heating pad at times. But all in all things are getting better as they will continue to do for you too. Take care. Oh and I go back for MRI Dec 12, then Dec 19 I see ENT Surgeon and get a hearing test and check out hearing aides, then on January 9th get to see the Neurosurgeon and see about going back to work.
New Jersey- Female- 54
Self Diagnosed July 6, 2012
Officially Diagnosed August 16, 2012      3CM AN
Surgery at Jefferson Neuroscience Sept. 25, 2012
Removed 99.9% of tumor-10 hour surgery-Retrosigmoid

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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #53 on: November 28, 2012, 12:09:06 am »
It is good to hear your updates debraclark and Millie.  My thoughts and prayers are with you both. 

.7cm, left side AN , Tinnitus, Hearing preserved, Middle Fossa 8/1/12 at HEI, Drs Friedman and Schwartz, Sharing your story is extremely helpful to me.


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2012, 03:53:20 pm »
Yes every day is a little better...And DEb, what you wrote about your good eye- the same thing  happens to me with my good eye!  It can start to tear as well-I think it is because we may overwork the good eye with T.V.?  My good eye is on the right-but to read, I have to close it and use my left-when it clears a bit.  I squint with it a lot to read the morning paper...but I think I am healing!
My an was on the left, and so my facial droop and eye blink probs are on the left, but they are improving.  As you again said in your post, it seems the mouth gets a teeny bit better  before the eye does..-the lower face-and then, I guess the nerve healing spreads upwards. My left eye looks better too.  But my WRINKLES are still there! 
You also mentioned waking up with a headache lately.  This is interesting, because a few mornings I have too...the way I explain it to myself is maybe my head is not so numb anymore, and it is starting to "feel" normal sensations again...I also get a pain deep in my ear now and again, but nothing that really bothers me.
I may try to drive tomorrow. I go in to NYU Thursday to see my doctor.  I must remember to ask about exercises.
Have a good night!


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2012, 08:25:20 pm »
Hi all-
Just an update...
My face continues to improve.  I still have a sarcastic looking smile but I think my droop is better.  The eye seems a bit better too, but still has a way to go.  I saw the ENT this past Thursday and he seemed pleased.  He said see me in early January and when I asked about exercises he said we could talk about it then-I guess he thinks my face/eye may get better yet.
I still can't purse my lips completely and dribble if I drink out of a soda bottle, but it certainly is much better than right after surgery.  Much much better. The first days were so hard-but it did get better.  It is different from last year, but definitely better.
Sometimes, I grieve my hearing-especially when in noisy or busy  environments...but I don't much venture forth into those yet.
My  left vision is still off, but I am going to the eye doctor Thursday...I may have something else going on.  The ENT said my vision should not be affected-I think that is what he said.  IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO WRITE DOWN YOUR questions and doctors' answers; like so many on the site have said, we get so ferklempt when we are finally in the doctor's office, we forget half of what we wanted to ask. One thing he did say was we will talk about hearing devices after I have healed some more.
I tried driving yesterday.  It went all right, but I just went to the grocery store, and I would not risk passengers yet.
Have a good night, all. Thanks for your support.

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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2012, 08:54:12 pm »
Millie, I am glad to hear you are still noticing improvements.  You are an inspiration to all of us with your positive, courageous attitude. 

.7cm, left side AN , Tinnitus, Hearing preserved, Middle Fossa 8/1/12 at HEI, Drs Friedman and Schwartz, Sharing your story is extremely helpful to me.


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #57 on: December 12, 2012, 05:03:57 pm »
Thanks Karen. But I am not so brave today-and am feeling a little discouraged  Today I went to the doctor with my 90 year old mom(my husband drove) and then went to the grocery store with her. I did start to feel bobbleheaded.  Walked just fine but to use an old phraseof mine,  there was a spirit sitting on the left side of my head and he weighed nothing but I could feel him. (My new explanation of my personal wonky feeling)  Later when I returned something to Kohl's I really felt out of it and maybe I just overdid it.  Not fun returning gifts you haven't even given yet.My eye has been watering a lot-and has anyone noticed that the eyelashes on the AN eye are much much shorter after their surgery?
I want to feel more like my old self, and with the holidays and all the other issues going on, it is hard.
Someone on another thread-I think it was Steve- said improvement goes on for months after the surgery so stay positive.
Thanks everyone.

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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #58 on: December 12, 2012, 10:34:24 pm »
It makes sense to want to be back to normal, especially around the holidays. 

.7cm, left side AN , Tinnitus, Hearing preserved, Middle Fossa 8/1/12 at HEI, Drs Friedman and Schwartz, Sharing your story is extremely helpful to me.


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Re: Translab on October 17th NYU
« Reply #59 on: December 12, 2012, 10:52:50 pm »
Hey, Millie,

My thoughts are with you and I will keep you in my prayers.  I was not confident driving at two months.  I just got tired of being dependent and did it anyway, which maybe was not so smart.  Fortunately, driving quickly became easier.  Then I had to learn to do it in the dark, which still makes me uneasy.

We all heal at our own pace.  You are still a fresh-out.  I know it is hard to be patient, but things will get better and better, albeit sometimes more slowly than we would like.

8/20/2010 - 9mm AN on left side 
Fullness, tinnitus, mild hearing loss
2/20/2011 - 8mm
4/20/2012 - 12.4 mm
Moderate to severe hearing loss, LOUD tinnitus, deteriorating balance
Facial numbness and twitching, which subsided pre-surgery
Translab at House, 7/3/2012, Slattery and Schwartz