I have been effectively deaf in one ear, with audiological reports to verify that, for about half a year.
My MRI reported a 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.2cm enhancement on my left cochlea at the basal turn. It reports no vestibular schwannoma, nor any problems with the left seventh cranial nerve. In fact it seems the only thing wrong that caused my deafness and very loud tinnitus is that "enhancement" in my left cochlea. No "enhancement" elsewhere on the MRI, and the nerves seem untouched if I'm reading the report right. I'm terrified all the same. I can feel throbbing as well as ringing, matching my heartbeat... I have very little money and my family is spent from the MRI. What can I do?
I am aware that these things can cause facial paralysis, vertigo, even pinch or crush the brainstem. Is that my future because I can't afford to have this thing cut out?
Please, if anyone has experienced this, please respond. The unknown is bad enough.