Well where to begin, around 3 months ago I woke up with horrendous vetigo with grew worse the following day with non stop vomiting, tinnitus and a fullness in my left ear. I called the doctor who came out to see me and he prescribed some anti sickness tablets and told me I had labrinthitis, tablets never helped so the next day I rang again and he then prescribed a different type of tablets which did calm down the sickness. 3 weeks later while the vertigo calmed down to a bouncy head type of feeling, the tinnitus was still there but the fullness had gone.
I went back to the doctors for another sick note as I was speeping pretty much all day and felt still quite dizzy at times, this doctor decided to give me the full works and then concluded I needed to see an ENT. 2 weeks later I was sat with the ENT who did some balance tests and sent me for an immediate audio and earing test (not sure if their the same), he said they were abnormal as I could not hear certain pitches of noise.
Then he mentioned the word tumour but they were 9 times out of 10 benign and ended our conversation with I am booking you in for an MRI scan to see whats going on. I had the MRI scan 1 1/2 weeks ago, whilst sat in the MRI scan waiting room I was reading my notes, this is where I saw the words (accustic neuroma). Now this was not a new word because I had researched my symptoms and google came up with this several times, but because it was so rare I never paid it much attention. I am currently waiting for a letter from the ENT for him to give me the results of last weeks MRI scan.
So over the last 3 months my symptoms are pretty much unchanged, full head feeling, when I walk I struggle to focus on things in the distance as they seem to bounce with the rythym of my walk, a high pitched squeal in my ear and sometime it feel like a motorcycle is riding the wall of death inside my skull. Luckily I have no pain or numbness anywhere, and I think my earing is not to bad although I am saying pardon to people a lot as I cannot hear what they say if they talk fast or not close by. I can say I dont have the very bad vertigo which I had at the beginning, its more of a constant sway when I move.
Some days are better than others, but I need to sleep and nap more than before as a feeling of complete tiredness comes over me, I am back at work and luckily I work two shortish shifts a day so I can nap inbetween to recharge. I have manged to ride my horse again but I am taking each day as it comes, sorry for the essay but its been such a roller coaster 3 months.
Thought I would mention I am from Shropshire England. x