Author Topic: Surgery Schedued for Monday, Jan. 28  (Read 2537 times)


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Surgery Schedued for Monday, Jan. 28
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:04:44 am »
Hi Everyone.  I haven't posted anything for quite awhile but I do check in on the forum from time to time to check out other people's experiences.  I was diagnosed in August 2012 with a small AN in my right ear canal (5.2mm), and not growing significantly.  It is very small but it is apparenty pressing on the balance nerve and a blood vessel that causes both Vertigo and very loud tinnitus. 

I immediatey searched out a surgeon and interviewed two.  After deciding which one was the best fit for me and who had the most experience and credentials, I made the decision to have the surgery.  This will be a team approach, with both a Neurotologist and Neurosurgeon operating in tandem.  They are both very highly qualified and I feel confident in my decision.  For me, I just want to get it out and get through the recovery stage and on with my life.  The retrosigmoid approach is being used to hopefully avoid as much nerve damage and preserve hearing as much as possibe.  I also know the reality of all the possibe post-op side effects thanks to all the posts on this forum....from real people with the experience of having gone through it.

This website and forum has been the single most helpful source for me during this difficult time of making the decisions and choices of who, where and when to do this.  I have had periods of doubt, but after talking to my surgeon again (who returned my phone calls immediately and answered every question I had with patience and understanding) I feel I am making the right decision.  I have a positive outlook and am visualizing a great outcome.  The important thing is it will be OUT of my head and I hopefully won't have to deal with it down the road when I am older when I may not have as good an outcome.   I am 63 years young, and in the best health and physical condition I can be.  I knew this was coming up and have been power walking 3-4 miles a day and working with a physical trainer to strengthen my core.  I know these things may help me with the balance issues post-op.  At my first appointment with my surgeon, he mentioned that I should get into the best condition I can pre-surgery which will help with recovery....something I had aready sensed somehow.

My only question is, will I need someone to stay with me at home post-op to help?  I keep telling my husband that I can do this and won't need any outside help, but after reading some posts I am not so sure now.  I am very independent and not good at asking for help, since I have not needed any in the past. 

Although I have had a lot of support from my husband, family and friends, I would really appreciate all your prayers and positive energy on Monday morning (8am ET til?). 

Thanks so much!  Carol


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Re: Surgery Schedued for Monday, Jan. 28
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 11:46:13 am »
Hi Carol .....

So glad you have made your decision for treatment and are relaxed about your choice in physicians.  You are doing all of the right things to prepare for the best possible outcome ..... especially the physical conditioning you are doing.

That being said, there are no guarantees on how you will feel immediately post-op, because everyone has a unique and individual situation.

In my situation, I was about your age for my first surgery, which was retrosigmoid approach.  My tumor was larger than yours, but I do not think that necessarily has a bearing on the post-op outcome.  I woke up with extreme balance issues, but my situation was very unique in that respect.  I also had double vision for a couple of weeks.  I was in the hospital for I think 5 days.  Then my husband and I stayed an additional four days with my sister (since the doctor/hospital was a 5 1/2 drive from our home).  We drove home 10 days post-op without difficulty.  Since my husband had to go back to work, he was concerned about my ability to be alone so before the surgery, he arranged for our daughter-in-law and 3 year old granddaughter to come stay with us for a week after returning home.  I really completely took care of myself, but it was great to have Laura here to do the cooking and make sure I was OK ..... and it allowed my husband to do his job with less stress about me.

If I were you, I would arrange for someone to be with you for at least the first week after you are discharged ..... just for security sake.  Then, have plans B and C lined up in the unlikely event you need additional help beyond that.

It is always a good idea to have some quick, easy meals frozen and/or available ahead of time, for use in those first weeks post-op when you will be very tired.

Let us know how you are doing.  Many thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery.

Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011


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Re: Surgery Schedued for Monday, Jan. 28
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 12:31:30 pm »
Hi Carol,

You have already made some of the difficult choices.  Like yourself, I had a small AN, and I also chose surgery.  I was 54 years old when I had the operation. My tumor was on my 8th cranial nerve deep inside near the brain stem.  I suffered terrible from severe full spin vertigo attacks.  I chose the middle fossa approach to preserve my hearing, which they did.  My vestibular nerve was severed in the hope of stopping the vertigo attacks. I have been told, that because the tumor was small and not very old, my brain didn't have a lot of time to make the various adjustments.  My recovery took almost 2 years, but I can say the vertigo attacks are pretty much gone, the various symptoms like wonkiness and balance have improved immensely.  As Clarice pointed out, all recoveries are different, so be prepared if your progress doesn't meet your expectations. I recommend getting some help for at least the first week you are home.  You are in good shape going into this, so I believe you will be around and about before you know it.  Don't hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, the members here are awesome.  If you want to talk individually, feel free to contact me via email.

I will keep you in my prayers for this Monday morning.


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Re: Surgery Schedued for Monday, Jan. 28
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 02:38:21 pm »
Thank you for your thoughtful insights and sharing your experiences.  Clarice, your suggestion for making meals ahead is a good one....I have been cooking and freezing all this week to prepare.  My husband can cook, but.....   He also has to go to work during the day.  I know this will be difficult for him too and wanted to get prepared as much as possible.  I will be having dinner with some friends tomorrow night for a "winter get-together" and will ask for help.  They are all my neighbors so will be only a phone call away.  I know I can count on them if needed.  My children and grandchildren live scattered across the country and work, so they cannot be here after, though I know they would be if close by.

I am hoping my balance issues won't last long since I have aready dealt with very severe bouts of vertigo.  My surgeon said there is a "chance" the vestibular nerve has already been compromised and the brain has already "retrained" somewhat, so the dizziness may not be as severe post-op. However, I know every case is unique, and am prepared to work through whatever comes my way.   I will need patience.....and time.  I figure the next two months at home in northern Indiana is a good time to hibernate and recover.....brrrr!  After that, it's one day at a time. 

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and prayers.  I know I have a long road ahead and look forward to coming out the other side.  I hear a golf course calling!   ;D


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Re: Surgery Schedued for Monday, Jan. 28
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 04:48:22 pm »
Praying for your good strong recovery.  Patience and time.  It does get better.