*retired hairdresser comes running in to save the day!*
PPT... great stuff. Protein based which acts as a magnet to the hair shaft to help reinforce strength, since hair is made up of keratin protein... so, protein enhanced with protein = strength from breakage!
Like Shoegirl, with my CK treatment, I have also had hair loss (and a couple of small patches, some on front hairline.... but if you've seen my hair, I can afford to lose a few hairs). Believe it or not, I also found Garnier Long and Strong/Length and Strength as a good product to help prevent loss/breakage. Now, it's very rare you find a hair professional recommending OTC products but as one that was a product sales mgr for hair product for years, I actually found this one to work well. If you want to stick to salon products, look at the list of product ingredients that are protein based. Moisture conditioners are also in need as meds and such will also affect the hair (as previously noted here) but don't over moisturize... the hair shaft can only take in so much moisture conditioner, so maybe 2x/week. Also, heat and massage will help stimulate hair growth.
I do free consults. Come sit in the chair at my station and will try to help if I can!
Not sure if this well help, but I used a pure protein shampoo and conditioner. I think it is call PPT by shiesdo? (Phyl may know the exact brand name)? It is japanese line of hair products. I think it helps strength the remaining hair and prevent breakage, etc. My hair loss was from radiation but it helped me.
Best Wishes!