Susan, So glad to hear you won't give up on looking into the scleral lens, unless I'm missing something about what you are dealing with it seems like it would really benefit you. Yes, we must keep doing what we can for ourselves, I've always found that I know more about my issues then the eye doctors do.
Nancyann, I live in Spokane, WA. My lens cost less because my eye doctor says it's not actually a scleral lens, she says the scleral lens is bigger, covering more of the eye and needs special measurements to be fitted for it. She wanted to try the lens I have and would send me to someone else if need be for the scleral lens. As I've mentioned before this one is great, forget I have it in my eye so see no reason to try anything else. I too would have paid $10,000 for it because of how much better my life is because of it. I believe I've also mentioned that this past year I spent $4400 on eye ointment alone not to mention buying boxes and boxes of kleenex and eye pads, etc. I didn't use to pay so much for the ointment but the last couple of years my eye got worse and I had to use a lot more to try and keep the pain at bay. I'm so very happy that you are enjoying it as well! Who would have thought this time last year that something so great was headed our way!
Saralynn, The lens lasting 4 months is a conservative estimate. My eye doctor has never had anyone use the lens I have with ointment so she thinks it won't last as long as normal. We will just have to wait and see how it goes, as I've said before it is way cheaper than the ointment I was using so I'm not worried about it. Hopefully my Insurance pays for it which will make it even better. I'm also going to get a back up lens that will cost about $50, that way if I'm on vacation and loose my lens I'll be ok tell I get back home. Don't you have an appointment this month to see about getting a lens for yourself?