I agree with all that hearing preservation is rare,, but location of the tumor is a very important aspect to be considered also ,,, I had about the same size tumor, good hearing and was recommended translab as it was very deep and pressing on brainstem,, and as you say that gives best view of facial nerve ,, but just as no guarantees can be given about hearing ,, the same goes for facial nerve,,, that was also my most important nerve to preserve; however, it was not to be,, so I had translab and still lost facial nerve,,
I just tell you this so you go into surgery knowing there are no guarantees ,,period,, there are Dr.s That will leave sliver of tumor on facial nerve to preserve it and radiate it or watch it later,, I just feel you need to hear from all sides,, not to scare you or dissuade you from any decisions you have made,,
Best of luck to you, we all care on here how things go with each of us as we are in "unique" situations,, Jane