Hi newbie, from another newbie... I'm also from the midwest, Ft. Wayne, IN.
I weighed all the options also like all the others. Was scheduled for surgery, which was canceled at the last minute due to a op. room glitch. Gave me a chance to raise the radiation option again. Was greatly encouraged by that possibility. I talked to a GK doc., in Indy - upon a reference from someone who had very successful results there (St. Vincent's). In exploring further, looked into the Cyber-knife procedure also in depth. The two technologies accomplish the same result - accurate delivery of radiation to a precise point of attack on the tumor. The CK is technologically about 2 to 3 generations of development newer than the GK, but the difference between the two I was told does not discount the quality of the GK approach.
I have started just today my first treatment with the Cyber-knife group through Parkview Hospital Oncology here in Fort Wayne. I am extremely pleased with the science, the accuracy, - the entire experience so far. Dr. Marc Apple came highly recommended and if you are any where close to FW I would support that recommendation from my own experience. The entire CyberKnife team - is very professional and helpful. I cannot base any further recommendaton on my results because I don't have them yet, but at this point I am very confident and encouraged. The procedure was painless....the webmask held my head firmly in place... I returned to my office for awhile, before going home. I will have five treatments this week, each about 40 to 45 minutes in length.
As I said before, I would not discount the other approach, or other medical facilities - I understand I.U. Med., which I believe is GK supported, is a great resource as well as St. Vincent's in Indy.
For the CK approach, I don't think you can beat this group in Fort Wayne.
As the others have said, do your research, there is alot of information out there, and the credibility of both treatment options I found strong and worthy of consideration.
-God speed...