Thank you everyone for your responses.
I finished the fifth and final consecutive cyber-knife treatment today. I can't believe how smoothly it went, and how painless. The cyber-knife is a newly developed delivery system for radiation, that is able to deliver the radiation to a precise point of target, within 1/2mm (tiny) variance. The difference with the Gamma Knife approach, which is also effective and well tried, is that the Cyber-knife is based on the most recent research and technological developments. It also does not use the cobalt based radiation, but another form. The other main difference than the Gamma Knife, is that the Cyber-Knife technology allows the robot to monitor and adjust for any (in my case) head movement. If there is any slight movement at all outside the target zone, the Cyber-knife immediately stops, readjusts before moving on, unlike the Gamma Knife which keeps firing away. The Cyber-knife monitors movement at 10 times per second, is what my understanding is.
The cyber-knife - procedure involves being fitted with a plastic mesh mask that semi-hardens and this is what is used to bolt your head to the table. The Cyber-Knife team consisted of a radiation oncolgist; my ENT surgeon; two physicists, and the tech support team. They took all the MRI's and CT Scans, merged them into a computerized program that allowed them to precisely develop a program of radiation delivery to the precise point of my tumor. I believe mine happened to deliver 211 beams of radiation per treatment to a tumor that is about 1/2 inch in size (inter-cranial tumor between the ear drum and brain).
I have experienced absolutely no side nausea, no dizziness, no facial numbness, or balance problems.
I would strongly encourage the Cyber-Knife be well explored before being ruled out. It may or may not fit your particular situation, and I do know that the Gamma Knife procedure remains also a tried, true and accurate system.
Now, I start coming down off the steroids in the next week, and will return in a few months to do follow up MRI's, monitor results.
Thanks to all, and I will be glad to share any experience I can that would be of help to you.