At the very end of my radiation treatments (25 treatments over 5 weeks, Nov to Dec '12) the inflammation of the area of my AN suddenly got so bad I lost most of the hearing in my affected ear, then developed severe nerve pain under my eye and down to my upper lip. My doc described it as the tumor area swelling due to the assault of the radiation. Unfortunately, I have no hearing in my other ear, so it was imperative to treat ASAP. I did 2 rounds of steroids, the first a low dose for 3 weeks which helped, but not completely and after 4 days off the steroids, the hearing problem and nerve pain returned. So I took a much higher dose, again for 3 weeks which put me back to my normal...about 60% hearing in my affected ear, and no nerve pain.
Osteoporosis will occur with very long-term steroid use, but is not the norm with short-term use. I fully understand doctors and patients having concerns about steroid use, but in my case, these concerns outweighed the very real possibility of losing my only remaining hearing due to damage to the auditory nerve from the inflammation of the tumor.