Just thought i give a little update.....
My headaches have decreased, not so much head pressure.
My tinnitus has increased and a still have some dizzy momments here and there.
My anxiety level has also improved, due to the help of a lot of you wonderful people
on this board sharing your stories and experiences with me.
Ive noticed that there has been quite a few more positive outcomes posted lately and
those help me so much.
Im focusing on my life now, at this momment, enjoying the smiles of my children.
My next MRI is in January, in the meantime im receiving some reiki treatments(which really help me to relax) and a massage here and there.
Im trying to improve my diet and exercise more because i feel that this will at least improve the over all health of my body and improve my immune system. (although, every once in a while i cant ignore the chocolat craving.....
Thank you everyone for the support and sharing I receive here, it really helps.