Hi Everyman--
I have two types of tinnitus. The first is daily pulsatile tinnitus, whereby I can hear my heartbeat in my AN ear. This has been the case daily for almost eight months now. I try to ignore it, but it's easier sometimes than others. Stress, caffeine, and alcohol increase it.
The other is the "ringing" tinnitus--also in my AN ear. High pitches, some days louder than others. I have tried to decipher the rhyme and reason to it...some days I have it, most days I do not. But when it's there, it's very noticeable. I usually notice it in the AM and PM but not mid-afternoon. That may speak to other distractions, but I can't figure out my triggers for the "regular" (as opposed to pulsatile) tinnitus. White noise helps. I've looked at various sound machines/noisemakers, but lately have just been using a fan on low speed. It minimizes both forms of tinnitus.
I've had several doc consults, and I've asked each one about it. They indicate tinnitus is caused by brain stimulation (the brain is asking what's going on over there in the AN ear--so it responds with tinnitus as a stimulus trigger). Unfortunately, most indicate this could be a life-long reality and is present both pre and post treatment.
Patience and learning to "ignore" seem to be the best medicine, but if you search this website you'll find some other suggested "remedies." All the best...