As several of my earlier posts indicate I'm pretreatment and balance has been one of my issues. Lately I've been leaning towards having Gamma (Retrosigmoid was my other option). Today I was outside using the whipper-snipper to trim the lawn edge along the driveway and sidewalk. Well, you look down, move slow and guess what, when you stop and look up, you sure don't feel good at least I sure didn't! I love to garden and find this year is it a major struggle. Any chore where I need to lean my head over causes discomfort and I need lots of little breaks - not something I'm good at getting used to!!
I've had all the balance testing. My AN side has a 30% loss of function and my non AN side is "slightly abnormal and mildly disfunctional. I just wish I could figure out which treatment will give me the best outcome to deal with the balance issue and get me back to normal. Do there seem to be more post treatment balance issues with Gamma over Retrosigmoid?