Easy question...difficult answer. My experience was there was no pain from my surgery. The anesthesia will be provided based on your physical condition, weight, etc. I'm sure the doctor is not going to risk his/her license based on your mind-body techniques. There are strict guidelines on the use of anesthesia.
Your mind-body techniques may be important to you it keeps you calm and gives you some confidence. That is a big deal...hope it works well for you.
I am a physical fitness type of guy. I am 64 years old, 172lbs, 5' 10", tip top physical shape. Going into your surgery, you need to have the correct weight for your height, be in excellent physical condition...and here is your cue...tip top mental condition. You will endure the surgery and recovery better with your good health and excellent mental condition.
I thought the surgery was the easy part. My recovery was faster because I was in great shape, and mentally I was in it for the long haul. You are on the right track getting your mental health ducks all in a row.