My optometrist made my scleral a multi-focal but it is not so great on near vision. However my other eye is -1ish so I more or less am operating in monovision. I am fine for most near reading, computer, etc. but need readers once in a while. I also wear corrective glasses when I drive although I don't absolutely have to.
We tried a custom soft lens on my right eye, but I did not get enough improvement in distance vision to offset the loss of near vision.
Still no word from the insurance company as of my follow-up visit today. My vision is good, could stand about .25 more in correction. The doc thinks this lens might be too tight, and thought we might need to go back to the last one we tried. I did not care for that one because it slid around and my vision fluctuated. He said we need to consider whether the surface of my eye is getting enough oxygen in the long run. However, he said my cornea looks great and is completely epithelialized.
He wanted me to remove my lens for part of the exam, and I pulled out a little plastic box that I had around the house and had put in a mirror, a few vials of saline, a case and my inserter and remover. He called his assistant in and asked her to look for a source of similar boxes because he wants to put together a similar care kit for all of his scleral patients. He called me the "epitome of practicality." Too bad I didn't think to market them myself.