To those who may have missed the post in the Welcome Message about increasing your text size: If you have Internet Explorer as a browser (internet-looker-atter) and you have used the "View" button in your toolbar and are still getting eyestrained trying to read the text, particularly when writing a post, you may want to download Mozilla Firefox and use it as your default browser.
Go to and download their free browser. Open the Forum using the Firefox Browser (click on the thingy that pops up on your desktop) and press ctrl and hit the + a couple of times or more and VOILA--HUGE text!! . Even in the reply post box. To shrink it back down hit ctrl - . They call the favorites "bookmarks" and I find them easier to manage than IE. (You tech heads probably know all about this stuff-but alot of us had gray hair before we ever had a computer!)
Any questions, feel free to message me.
Capt Deb
'puter guru to the cyber-challenged