Author Topic: Fired from job?  (Read 7191 times)


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Fired from job?
« on: September 02, 2006, 09:39:04 am »
Ok, I've been on medical leave since my surgery last august 2005.  I got an instant message from my boss that HR would be contacting me since I was not released to go back to teaching (never will be) and got a call from the benefits department asking if my long term disability was ok or did I need to have it reinstated.  I have not received anything from my insurance, nor from HR.  In fact I have no idea if I still have insurance since it's the first of the month.  I've been locked out of my work email system completely and when is sent myself an email it came back to me as undelieverable...does it sound like I've been terminated?  Wouldn't they need to tell me I've been terminated completely and offered an explanation  or the ability to cobra my insurance?  The company I work for has done some very questionable things since I was suppose to return to work last january but was not released to come back to my full position.  Just wondering if I should be contacting the ADA or someone.  It's all I can do not to instant message my boss who's online right now and say...."Have I been let go?  Where's my final paycheck, my cobra and my 401K?  Trying to behave really I am  LOL  We all know I've been diagnosed with impulsivity!  LOL  Just thought I'd ask some opinions.  Thanks for listening!

Road Trip Dale

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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 09:50:11 am »
Hey BP,

Locking you out of the email could just be a security measure since you have been gone for so long.  When I was a Network Administrator we had a six month policy, unless we were told otherwise.  Also, if someone would go on sabbatical I would lock their email until they returned.  It keeps spammers from accessing through an inactive account.  However, having said all that, I would definitely contact my boss and find out what is going on.  Especially, since your insurance is involved in this whole mess.  I've been on the other side of the coin (as a boss) also and when I wasn't kept informed by the employee as to the situation  I would sometimes make assumptions that were not valid.

So my dear wench.....that would be what this deck swabber would do,  I would certainly get a hold of the boss, supervisor, etc., or HR and find out what your status be...then if need be, Attorneys could follow.

Good Luck

1.75 AN Right Side
Translab 4/16/06
Dr. Charles Leutje and Dr. Paul Camarata
St Luke's, Kansas City, MO


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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 10:10:52 am »
Thanks Dale, I could sign in to my email just a week ago then it said invalid, but I could still log into the company web nothing and no notice from anyone.  I sent my boss my drs note and a letter stating I was to be reeval in december but have heard nothing other than the instant message, "HR will contact you"  No one has contacted me from HR.  I have no desire to talk to my boss..long story there, she's been so hateful through this whole experience.  I'm just concerned about my health benefits..dont' they have to offer me cobra?

Captain Deb

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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 10:34:23 am »
Well, BP, you KNOW my policy! Don't take no crap and do it in a gracious and lady-like manner! 
Capt Deb 8)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 11:07:25 am »
Me not be lady like??  Does that mean I can't scratch in my manly places?   ;D :-*  I've actually been laying very low to see try to figure out what is going on since no one from my company has said anything.  Seems to me they'd have to tell me they are terminating my employment and why and offer me cobra (not that I can afford it but still it's the principal of the thing!)


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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 02:11:43 pm »

I would definitely seek some answers from HR or your boss.  Unless, you have been notified in writing (or otherwise) I would think you have not been terminated.  Hope you find some answers.   
left side 2.0cm x 1.3cm  
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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2006, 03:15:16 pm »
BattyP - I do believe that if your employment was terminated, then you should have been notified by letter.  Either a verbal and a letter or just a letter. I know your boss has been doing some screwy things in the past few months, but I would think she would want to cover her butt and put everything in writing. I would definetly call HR on tuesday.

I want a pink bow on my head >:(

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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2006, 03:29:28 pm »
Geez Batty, that really sips!  If there is a need for you to access your email, and you can't, you have a legitimate gripe with the sob's.  If not, like Dale said, maybe they just terminated the email cuz you don't need it right now  ???  I would, however, contact your insurance company (that is your insurance coverage with your employer) yourself and ask them if the policy is still in effect, if not, then it's time to take care of biz!  Like the Capt said, don't take no crap and do it in a ladylike manner.  At that point, it might not be a bad idea to also contact ADA.  I sure hope you can get this all worked out, and if there's anything I can ever do for ya, just give me a holler!
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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2006, 07:56:36 pm »
thanks guys!

Road Trip Dale

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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2006, 08:00:03 pm »
BP...I would believe that they have to offer you a cobra if you've actually been terminated.  They can't just cut you loose, without the offer...the state folks and federal get really upset when someone is terminated without the proper paperwork being done.  I know, been there, and done that, and don't want it to happen again!

Talk with HR....skip the hostile boss!

1.75 AN Right Side
Translab 4/16/06
Dr. Charles Leutje and Dr. Paul Camarata
St Luke's, Kansas City, MO


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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2006, 08:04:31 pm »
HR hasn't been much better...when I first called them back in Jan after my boss told me through an email that I was not allowed to have an annual raise because I was disabled they did nothing to help me..someone mysteriously removed that email from my email box too!  Hmmmmm


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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2006, 03:58:11 pm »
Hi BattyP,

Do you have any friends that worked with you that might be able to give you some inside information without getting into trouble? It's worth a try. Hope this is some big mistake, and that somehow things will work out. Keep a postive attitude, we have survived brain surgery, we can handle just about anything!  Ann
HEI July 26, 2005
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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2006, 05:46:07 pm »
How many people work for the company?  If it is over 50 then you are okay.  They have to send you the Cobra information, they have to let you know, either in person or by mail that you have been terminated and they have three days to give you your final pay.  You can contact the EEOC if they have not complied.  You can also contact the Labor Department in your State or the Federal one.  If you work for a company of under 50 employees, they get to play by different rules.  I hope this helps some.
Brenda Oberholtzer
AN surgery 7/28/05
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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2006, 08:22:49 pm »
thanks brendalu....they are a nationwide company..ever heard of the name sylvan?  LOL  They are a sister company under the same company umbrella.  I've heard nothing from anyone. 


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Re: Fired from job?
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2006, 12:55:03 am »
Strange isnt it ? - the rules are SO different in the two "western" style democracies
What I have seen so far would amount to "constructive dismissal"
a court here would award you a years money and make it plain to the firm
that next time it would REALLY hurt them
Yet relative to europe we are virtually free of labour regulation....
In the case of my own firm, the only way out for them (and me)
was for them to agree to make me redundant (and pay severance)
or they could not employ a replacement
I hadent attended the office in 12mths
and they had to pay $7,000 bucks in case I might want to
(even though I didnt/couldnt/never wanted to see the ugly mug again etc)
The parent company was Taiwanese/chinese
so I expect that one went down like a lead balloon...
As an aside, I am sure you have a quite active "disability"
political pressure group - they quite like hard luck stories
to beat up ..congress..the press..or anyone else in their sights
If it comes to playing dirty you may have more allies
than you think...
Best Regards