Hi all,
I almost hesitate to post good news because I don't want to jinx myself, but after about 2 months of very bad post-GK side effects (stabbing headaches, nearly constant dizziness, shrieking/squealing tinnitus, daily facial twinges/tremors), I've been feeling much better the last 3-4 days. I know 3-4 days is not a long time to measure progress, but it feels almost like I've come through something.
Then, this afternoon I felt a deep, dull ache behind my ear for a minute or two, and then I felt a sensation deep inside my AN side ear canal, almost like something "popped." I had noticed less dizziness the last couple of days, but after that "pop" I felt almost no dizziness at all for the first time in about two months. That clearer feeling overall has continued into this evening. I went for a jog tonight and that brought back a little dizziness and also amped up the tinnitus, but all of my post-GK symptoms seem to get temporarily worse whenever I exert myself physically.
I hope this "popping" feeling I experienced today and this sudden feeling of clarity are signs of better things to come.