It's been quite a few months since I've posted anything on here. Now that I'm over a year post-surgery I've completely re-immersed myself back into my life and, thankfully, don't spend the time that I used to obsessing over my AN.
I did, however, want to hop on to say that my one year MRI did come back clear with no signs of tumor regrowth! I'm to have another MRI in a few years and if that one comes back clean then, according to my doctor, I'm "effectively cured."
Thanks again to all of my fellow AN-ers who helped me through this past year and my prayers and thoughts are with all of you who are still making decision about treatment and surgery. As always, I would encourage you to visit my blog: if you'd like to read about my experience and about what helped and what didn't. I really want to be able to turn around and help others who are in my position and I've found my blog is one way I can do that.
Best of luck to all of you and happy turtling!