No there is no list as such. Drs will not give you patient names and outcomes either. An AN varies with each patient and the location, size and what damage it has or hasn't done to nerves so there is not a good comparison. You might get told by a dr you see that he has done a certain no of patients with facial neuroma or in the IAC or touching the brainstem, etc. You might not either. There is word of mouth from people about certain drs if they do a large no of them. The list of drs here even does not contain all who do a large no of them. I know all makes it hard to choose. How ones body handles the AN and if removed, what compensation the brain has already done will make a difference in ones outcome. Even ones age, personality,general health and level of usual activity can play some role in how you might do past treatment. One can do surgery, radiation, or watch and wait and still wonder if maybe they should have gone to a different dr or did it different and maybe things might have turned out different.
I wish you well in how it goes for you! Cheryl R