Author Topic: Any cyclists out there?  (Read 8799 times)


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Any cyclists out there?
« on: July 08, 2013, 04:20:18 pm »
I had Gamma Knife January 10, 2013, and my balance has recovered well enough that I have resumed riding my bicycle.  I'm up to about 100 miles a week when work allows.  Are there any other cyclists out there?  I would be interested to hear about others who ride bikes and the challenges you have gone through.  Right now, I feel like I am the only one in the world who rides a bike on a regular basis.  I can be followed on Strava.  My name is Robert McHale😄🚴
9mm x 4 mm. Right AN
Diagnosed October 2012
Gamma Knife surgery 1/10/2013
SSD right side. Tinnitus.  No balance issues prior to Gamma Knife.  Currently- balance has resolved itself.  Back to all normal activities.  Ride my bicycle between 50 to 100 miles per week.😄


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 07:42:34 am »
I had surgery in March and I can happily say that I'm back on my bike (and running and swimming).  I'm not having balance issues on the bike but I do have some problems making quick head turns (looking backwards, for instance, to see if something is behind me when I want to change lanes). Sometimes I'll wobble (but I haven't fallen yet!).  My AN is/was on my left so while I bike I now just have to ASSUME there's a car next to me because I don't really hear them until they're passing me.  I've tried a couple mirrors but I found them too distracting.  So, right now my only issue is that I have not biked alone yet.   I go with my husband on the weekends (and swim, spin, or run during the week).  I'm doing rides of 40+ miles at a time though, basically what I did pre-surgery.   Overall I'm very pleased with my progress and thankful for my wonderful doctors.   

Keep on pedaling!  :)

2 cm AN, Translab March 2013, Dr's. Gutin & Selesnick, Memorial Sloan Kettering, NY.
SSD but otherwise doing great!


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2013, 08:09:07 pm »
Glad to hear you are doing so well.  I have loss of hearing on my right side, so at least I can hear cars.  I have had lots of those wobbly moments when I got back on the bike.  First time I looked down for my water bottle was quite an experience!  I can't find a mirror that I like either.  I seem to get a good look at my ear or shoulder, but not traffic.  Glad you have someone to ride with.  I ride with a great group of people in Folsom, California.  They kind of watch out for me and know not to sneak up on my right side.  My balance issues are almost gone and I rode a century ride in May.  I am happy
To hear that there are others like us who will work hard and overcome challenges.  I feel very inspired right now and will do a tough climbing ride tomorrow.

9mm x 4 mm. Right AN
Diagnosed October 2012
Gamma Knife surgery 1/10/2013
SSD right side. Tinnitus.  No balance issues prior to Gamma Knife.  Currently- balance has resolved itself.  Back to all normal activities.  Ride my bicycle between 50 to 100 miles per week.😄


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 11:38:21 am »
Glad to hear you're able to enjoy your bike!

I used to ride a bit, but my knees were my issue, not my AN! :)

I am wanting to do a ride in September and I'm wanting to see how my knees feel--George Hincapie is coming to town for an event, so I might try to go see him.

I'm always eager to hear about bikers, even though I barely participate anymore.
Numbness on right side of face beginning some time in 2012 through early 2013
MRI 4/15/13
20mm x 19mm x 16mm intra and extra canalicular AN on Right Side.  ("Largely extracanalicular")
FSR treatment beginning on July 22, 2013--going for 30 treatments


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2013, 04:50:01 pm »
I would do the Hincapie ride if you could.  Even if it was one of the shorter rides.  I'm sure you would have a blast.  I may do a century ride in October out here in Northern California, but there is a lot of climbing.  Not sure if I want to torture my legs.  Hope your knees feel better,

9mm x 4 mm. Right AN
Diagnosed October 2012
Gamma Knife surgery 1/10/2013
SSD right side. Tinnitus.  No balance issues prior to Gamma Knife.  Currently- balance has resolved itself.  Back to all normal activities.  Ride my bicycle between 50 to 100 miles per week.😄


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2013, 06:53:33 pm »
We have a ride here called the Big Dam Bridge 100, which also has shorter routes.  Two years ago I did the shortest route, which was 16 miles, I think.  I wanted to do it again last year, but I play in the symphony here and it was on the same day as a concert.
The timing is right this year, and while I'm sure Georgie will be doing the 100 mile route and will leave me in the dust, still it would be fun to know I was riding "with" him, in a way.  :)

I may end up walking my bike over the bridge, though...  :P
Numbness on right side of face beginning some time in 2012 through early 2013
MRI 4/15/13
20mm x 19mm x 16mm intra and extra canalicular AN on Right Side.  ("Largely extracanalicular")
FSR treatment beginning on July 22, 2013--going for 30 treatments


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2013, 10:51:42 am »
This thread is of quite a bit of interest to me.

I am scheduled for AN surgery on 9/13/13.  I have a large lesion on the right.  I had noticed decreased hearing, but hadn't been aware of any balance issues (although in hindsight maybe my balance isn't as good as it used to be).

One of my big concerns is whether I will be able to continue to bike post op, as I'm an avid cyclist.  My surgeons have told me I should be OK, but I'm not sure they totally get what I am talking about.  By that, I mean that I am riding fast, in a group, so that it could be trouble if my balance is bad.  Since my lesion is on the right, I'm imagining that I will still be able to hear traffic relatively well.

I'd be interested in comments from any cyclists who had surgery for ANs about how long it took them to get back on the bike, and about challenges they have dealt with post-op.



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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2013, 05:51:05 am »
I had an acoustic neuroma removed via translab in October 2011.  I was back on the bike about 7 weeks later.  However, I was just taking it really easy riding on local greenways.  I took it really easy for a year, and some things I noticed in the first year was looking left and looking over my left shoulder (my acoustic neuroma was on my left side).  I found this to be very hard.  I also found that riding in a pace line was more difficult.  I had a harder time holding my line.  Finally, the biggest thing was SSD on my left side - it made hard to hear passing traffic.

I really picked up my riding a year after surgery.  I am not sure if my body had adjusted, I have just gotten used to it, I have just 100% healed, or all of the above - but the only thing I really notice now is the SSD, and I am not quite as good has bike handler as I used to be.  I always ride with a group now because I feel more comfortable having more than one ear on the road.

I have done some big  century rides with mountain ascents/descents and am on pace to ride 5000+ miles this year.  I am also back up to an "A" pace.  It may take a while to get back, but you will get back.

My best advice is ease back into riding, make sure you are comfortable, and be safe.

Ride ON!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 05:58:05 am by heels1982 »
Left AN 3.1 cm
Translab 10/3/2011


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2013, 10:49:36 am »
Thanks heels1982 - that is very helpful information.

My lesion is also 3.1 cm, but is on the right.  I'm imagining that will be a bit better in terms of hearing traffic noises.

Glad to hear you can do big ascents/descents.  I was was in CO a few weeks ago on vacation, and as I enjoyed some great descents, I found myself hoping I would not lose my ability to do it.

I will go slow.  I had a big knee surgery a few years back (cartilage transplant), and that taught me to be patient with recovery.


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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2013, 07:21:49 am »
I had my surgery in June and still not able to bike yet.  My AN was also on the left side and still having dizziness issues.  I have swam a few times and am walking/running a bit.  I purchased a new bike trainer a few months ago in hopes of getting back on for some seat time but almost fell off.  Seeing that I am not the only one going through this dizzy process makes me feel much better.  I know it will get better with time.   ;D ;D



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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2013, 03:40:44 am »
Hang in there, Mike!

I'm now 11 days post op & I'm sure it'll be a while, but we will get there!



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Re: Any cyclists out there?
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2013, 03:26:35 pm »
Well,  tried to ride over the weekend and found it pretty difficult, so back to the trainer.  I still had problems with riding a straight line and watching out for traffic and pedistrians.  With cold weather on the way, guess I will stick to the trainer for the winter.  Thanks for the encouragement Dan!!
