I have a BAHA and have had it for 2 years. I really like it and think it helps. It gets better with time especially the directional hearing. Its like my brain is learning to distinguish the different sounds and attach it to that side. However, large group social outing are still difficult, I think it is just noise overload on the system and my brain. My brain is trying to determine sound but also balance which is difficult when in a situation with multiple distractions. I have become more comfortable in social situation and try to place myself in a way to maximize my hearing, the people that know me understand my movements, but those that don't give me strange looks but that really does not bother me. I think part of it is just getting out there in social situations so that your brain can start to adapt to situations, the brain is an amazing thing. I am glad I have my baha and would do it again, the surgery is very short (30min). I had mine with just local anesthesia because I did not want to be put out again, the sound was strange but it really did not hurt.
Good luck