Hi everyone,
I usually sleep on my side, laying on my non AN side, because too much pressure and prolonged pressure hurts my AN surgery site, as there is a screw of some sort right behind my ear. So, I sleep on the other side every night, I also am on the phone ALOT at work, so my good ear always has pressure on it. Well last night, when I went to lay on my good ear, I got this pain behind the ear, right where the ear and skull meet. I started to feel behind my ear, t hinking it might be a small pimple causing the pain, but there was no pimple, only a small painful bump. It Almost feels as if ive damaged one of those little bones/cartiledge behind the ear.
My question is does anyone else have this problem, and if so, any tips or advice on how to alleviate such use of my good ear? Ive condisered a Bluetooth for at work to help with that, but Im afraid that if I have a blue tooth in, I wont be able to hear my customers.