Wow Scott, you sound like were on the fast track and NO, it doesn’t seem fair. It does sound like they are trying to slowly push you out the door without being obvious. Your job history sounds very much like mine with my current company. I have been here for 5 years this past July. I started as an auditor, was promoted within the year to a newly created position, and then promoted again a year and a half later. I thought about investigating action against my company for discrimination. They hired another girl while I was pregnant and I had to train her on everything I knew (no one else in the company knows how to perform my job duties). I had my little girl on October 15, 2005 and chose to be out for 10 weeks of the 12 weeks covered by FMLA. The new girl covered my job while I was out but had questions ALL THE TIME. I returned to work right after Christmas and unfortunately fell ill with pneumonia at the end of January and was hospitalized; therefore, I used the remaining 2 weeks of my FMLA. Our company reviews were due in February but before the company would give me my review they pulled me into a closed-door meeting. They informed me that since I had been out so much over the past few months they realized they didn’t need two people to do my job. I had the option of staying full time, or since I was a new mom and probably wanted to be home with the baby, I could drop down to 20 hours a week. I really felt like they were pushing me to take the 20 hours a week but since I had “seniority� they would let me decide. Knowing how my company works I knew that 20 hours would soon be 10, then 5, then none so I opted for the full time option. I then received my review and was given a lesser raise then the girl I had trained and walked through EVERYTHING while I was out of the office. Oh, I was TICKED! But the company got theirs in the end… she quit not long after that and took a lesser paying job because she hated this one so bad. So now we are back to no one else knowing exactly what I do and I must say… I like it that way J
I do hope things work out for you – please keep us posted!