Well, if you haven't, try a handlebar mirror on your bike. Depending upon one's sensitivity, there may not be much looking around. Wear a helmet! I've heard a bike w/o suspension is best. One less variable of motion.
Don't walk in complete darkness, use a cane if necessary, make sure you eyes are checked regularly ( bifocals will cause an image/power jump ) and remember, SSD 'does' affect balance.
Is it possible to have another ENG to check the condition of the only, and compensating ear?
Keep your expectations reasonable considering your condition. No one is unaffected by losing the vestibular apparatus of an ear. Some do compensate better, however.
I believe, and was told by a PT that physical activity was as good as VRT. Dr's advice was to "keep moving". EG. Walking slowly is more difficult than walking deliberately.
Best wishes in all!