It's been one month today since my Gamma Knife treatment. The only issue I encountered immediately after treatment were the swollen eyelids which swelled and bruised significantly. Three days of using ice packs and the swelling was gone, bruising gone within the first week. Separate to my Gamma treatment I ended up with a nasty sinus and bronchial infection that lasted for the initial two weeks after treatment, so needless to say it was a rough few weeks. I'd like to let everyone know that things are now good!
The biggest change I've noticed so far is the incredible relief I feel at being post treatment. For the entire year after diagnosis I was constantly thinking about what to do. My symptoms made it difficult to not think about treatment choices. While I felt relief at finally deciding on Gamma Knife treatment, the biggest relief came after my treatment. It was during my third week post treatment, I was trimming a few plants in the garden and suddenly realized how incredibly good I felt. I realized I was experiencing a calm peaceful feeling that I hadn't experienced for a long time - there were no little voices in my head arguing over what to do with my AN Alien!
I know it's early yet in my recovery process and things may or may not change as time goes on. I still have balance issues I'm working on, and the usual issues I experience with darkness - which is coming earlier in the evening each day, however, today I am thankful all is good and good news is worth sharing!