This is a follow up to my previous post. I went to the optometrist and got a bandage contact for my dry eye. It's amazing! For the first time since surgery almost two years ago, I made it through the day with a completely clear eye. And, I didn't have to put drops in every 20 minutes or so.
The contact lens brand is Focus Day & Night, and it's available in a power of 0.0, which means it doesn't change my vision at all (there's another brand called Accuvue Advance, but it is not available in a zero power). The contact is used with a lubricating drop called Aquify, which is designed for contact lenses. It's essentially like having a soothing wet sponge over your eye.
I plan to take it out and use Lacrilube at night, even though it's supposed to be okay to wear all the time. If you're having problem with a dry eye like I was, you may want to check this out. You may have to explain it to your optometrist, but it's worth the effort.