Author Topic: Pre AND Post-op Headaches...over 3 years...  (Read 5196 times)


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Pre AND Post-op Headaches...over 3 years...
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:51:03 am »
I've been dealing with headaches now for over 3 years. It's a constant dull headache on my right side where the tumor was. I had headaches for about two years before my surgery. I had a 4.0 cm tumor removed by translab and a titanium plate inserted. My head pain was initially worse after surgery due to swelling, etc. Buy after a couple months, that went down and my headaches are basically exactly what they used to be. So far the only drugs that help the pain are Prednisone and Amitriptylene, neither of which I want to be on long term, due to side effects. No OTC meds work, not even large (800mg) of Advil. My doctors basically say they don't know what to do. I will be having an appointment with a neurologist, but as I live in Canada, I will likely be waiting for several months. It's getting extremely frustrating, as the headaches are very physcially and mentally draining. I'm 22, and feel like I'm 40 or 50 sometimes. I've had follow up MRI's and they're all clear. There was a small piece of tumor left behind, but it's not growing. Before my surgery, my doctors said the headaches were likely from swelling, but then why do I still have them? I'm beginning to wonder if I have trigeminal nerve damage, or if they are possible related to something completely different?
3.5cm right sided acoustic neuroma


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Re: Pre AND Post-op Headaches...over 3 years...
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 08:41:43 pm »

So sorry you are dealing with these constant headaches. Many people suffer from headaches post-op, and a few before their operation. Sometimes there is some nerve involvement that causes them, such as the trigeminal and occipital nerves.
Are your pre and post-op headaches similar in nature? Can you be a bit more specific about their location?

GK on April 23rd 2008 for 2.9 cm AN at Toronto Western Hospital. Subsequent MRIs showed darkening initially, then growth. Retrosigmoid surgery on April 26th, 2011 with Drs. Akagami and Westerberg at Vancouver General Hospital. Graduallly lost hearing after GK and now SSD but no other issues.


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Re: Pre AND Post-op Headaches...over 3 years...
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 05:01:15 am »
Psychdisco: Hey!
I did suffer MAJOR headaches for years before my AN was found, in fact my only three physical "symptoms" of my AN were 1. headaches 2. insomnia 3. intermittent numbness and tingling of my face that became constant just shortly before diagnosis (it was with this happening that I got properly assessed/tested and the AN found)...those were my concerns for a few years prior to diagnoses and the neurologist I initially saw did not see need to look for a tumor, that and adding to it that I was "too young" to have a tumor. When the numbness and tingling became constant I was sent to another neurologist and both this doctor and my GP thought they were going to find I had MS, even though that didn't "fit" due to my age and having not yet had children.....low and behold it was during the nerve conduction studies I was told my auditory nerve was not functioning properly and I had hearing loss, something I was unaware of, I went on to have a CT of the head that same day and they found a very large AN!
My point is this, many of the doctor's involved with AN patients seems to feel that AN's do not cause pain, I disagree!
As far as post op pain I too suffer this, it is different than pre-op but in the initial few years just as painful and was very difficult to deal with. As the years have gone on I guess one of two things have happened 1. the pain has decreased or 2. my body has learned to "turn it off" and I say that as mos days if I don't stop and think about it I do not notice this pain, that's as long as I don't stop to think about it but if I do the pain is here every day. I still have days when the pain is significant.....I cope with it by resting and using plain Tylenol. There was a time when I tried the various options given to migraine suffers as preventative medications (as you mention you are taking/have taken) however I was unable to tolerate them and couldn't continue with them.
Like yourself I was young when this started, I was diagnosed and had my first surgery when I was 23, I indeed also came away from it feeling physically much older than I was, and continue to have this today doctor identified this to be a true feeling and said something to the effect that having such a surgery "ages the body" or something like that.
I don't know how long your are post op. I know I found that first "years" the most difficult, I am now 23 years post op. Over time you may find what works for you to cope with the pain, I used to just go to bed and stay there until it decreased, once I had kids I couldn't do that anymore and since they I've just be "stumbling" through it.
Rest assured you are not alone in your experience.
1st AN surgery @ age 23, 16 hours
Loss of 7-10th nerves
mulitple "plastic" repairs to compensate for effects of 7th nerve loss
tumor regrowth, monitored for a few years then surgically removed @ age 38 (of my choice, not medically necessary yet)


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Re: Pre AND Post-op Headaches...over 3 years...
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 05:14:40 pm »
I've been dealing with headaches now for over 3 years. It's a constant dull headache on my right side where the tumor was. I had headaches for about two years before my surgery. I had a 4.0 cm tumor removed by translab and a titanium plate inserted. My head pain was initially worse after surgery due to swelling, etc. Buy after a couple months, that went down and my headaches are basically exactly what they used to be. So far the only drugs that help the pain are Prednisone and Amitriptylene, neither of which I want to be on long term, due to side effects. No OTC meds work, not even large (800mg) of Advil. My doctors basically say they don't know what to do. I will be having an appointment with a neurologist, but as I live in Canada, I will likely be waiting for several months. It's getting extremely frustrating, as the headaches are very physcially and mentally draining. I'm 22, and feel like I'm 40 or 50 sometimes. I've had follow up MRI's and they're all clear. There was a small piece of tumor left behind, but it's not growing. Before my surgery, my doctors said the headaches were likely from swelling, but then why do I still have them? I'm beginning to wonder if I have trigeminal nerve damage, or if they are possible related to something completely different?
  Very sorry for your headaches. I had a translab surgery 16 years ago and I want to respond because recently I have been having headaches in the region of my surgery 16 years later and I have had no luck getting a response from people on here. I would think that your headaches are most likely in some way related to your surgery. Most surgeons tell you nothing about what you will suffer after this surgery, they will only tell you what they have to and that is the risks involved with the surgery, furthermore mosts neurosurgeons are still in the dark regarding most post related symptoms, especially fatigue, headaches and cognitive issues, they simply do not want to hear about it. If your mri is clean, I would take some comfort in that and have your primary care doc check for any other possibilities and if there are none I would try seeking out natural remedies for your pain, a physical therapist that works at a balance center and has special training with acoustic neuroma patients can be very helpful. I hope this helps, keep us posted.                Mel