Here's something about an AN. It is in your head, and no one else can hear your symptoms but you. No one can feel what you feel. Another thing about the ENT, some doctors really haven't seen one in a long time. I still see doctors who haven't seen one since med school, in the small town I go to college in. I went to 3 doctors before my ENT sent me for an MRI. That doesn't mean they don't exist. Although in most cases, I do agree with not reading everything on the Internet, some people think a papercut means cancer nowadays. In this case, education is key.
About worry. I understand the want to worry. If educating yourself will make you worry, then don't do it until you know for sure. You have a few weeks. Enjoy time with your family.
AN is not a death sentence. Most of the people here have an AN and are still here. I did the same thing, and I know how it feels. But you can't focus on that, focus on getting to the MRI and then focus on that outcome.