I am still experiencing cognitive issues at 9.5 months post-op. The main issues are related to attention, and short term memory (frankly impaired). It's funny how I didn't even need a day planner during my college years pre-operation, but I digress. I also am experiencing some issues with word finding and higher order reasoning, among others. BTW, I actually didn't have an AN, but rather a benign cerebellar tumor (don't tell anyone).
If you can be patient I think it's best to try to minimize as many symptoms/stressors as possible, while continuing to push yourself everyday.
Luckily, I have noticed improvement in the last few months. For months I struggled to comprehend basic grade school sarcasm. Now I feel much more alert, albeit inconsistently.
In Jan. 2014 I will be admitted into a rehab hospital for outpatient rehab. I am very grateful the Canadian medical system has this in place for me (although I am told I should of gotten in much earlier, oh well).
If you are overly concerned about your cognitive status I think you should consider taking a cognitive assessment, conducted by a board certified neuropsychologist.