Hi Jessica,
My AN is about 7.4 x 8.4 mm and has been causing me imbalance issues for several years, along with some mild tinnitus. I also have some hearing loss in my AN ear, but not very severe at this time (word recognition is 92%). I was also told that it isn't the size of the tumor, it is more about the location and it varies from person to person.
The tumor was discovered in October, 2013 and the first thought that went through my head was to "get it out of there". The neurosurgeon thought he could remove it and still preserve 65 - 80% of my hearing. I scheduled surgery for early January.
Later, after doing some more research, and talking with a guy who had CyberKnife radiation therapy, I met with the radiation specialist at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, Wa and discussed that option. I was very encouraged, and scheduled my CK therapy for early January, in place of the surgery.
Then I started thinking about my "quality of life" issues. Even though my tumor was small, it was right next to my cochlea, and the radiation specialist thought I would totally lose my hearing in my AN ear after two - six months of the CK therapy. I had another MRI in late December which showed no growth in the 3 months since my last MRI (the second MRI was conducted in preparation for the planned CK in early January, normally they recommend waiting for at least 6 months between MRI's).
So the question then became, "do I want to take radiation therapy and lose all hearing in my AN ear in 2 - 6 months, or do I want to Watch and Wait for awhile to see if my symptoms worsen". My wife and I square dance 3 - 4 times per week, and being able to hear the "calls" and move around without stumbling or falling is essential.
So, I made the decision to Watch and Wait for at least 6 months. If my symptoms get worse, I can always do the radiation therapy or surgery. In the meantime, I will still be able to hear in my AN ear and the imbalance and tinnitus issues are not so great that I can't deal with them.
I feel a little embarrassed by the fact I changed decisions three times. But in the end, it all comes down to doing what is best for yourself. It took awhile to work through the decision process, and this forum, along with my local AN support group, the ANA information, and the information from the MRI's, the surgeon and the radiation specialist all factored into my decision.
There is one more symptom that I have not experienced, and that is facial nerve impairment. This is a risk for W and W as well as surgery (I am not sure about the CK treatment). I was at a family Christmas party and was talking to an attractive young lady about my AN. I was telling her about my imbalance and tinnitus symptoms and she seemed to be thinking about the symptoms as if she had to deal with them and was ok with those two. But when I mentioned that my facial nerve may become involved or damaged during surgery, she was absolutely aghast at that thought. At the risk of being considered chauvinistic, I think women would probably be more sensitive and concerned about this issue than men (that said, I don't think either sex would like to experience this effect).
So maybe you may want to ask your neurosurgeon; "how close is my tumor to the facial nerve and will there be a problem if you operate?" and "What if I decide to W and W or undergo radiation therapy?"
Bottom line is, it is a very difficult decision. There are three viable options, and, in my case anyway, I found that the physicians won't tell you that you have to do this option or that option. So it is mainly up to you (with input from your family and friends) to make your way through the decision-making process.
I am 70 years old and cannot fathom what it would be like to be faced with your dilemma at 31. I wish you well.
When I was making my decision(s), I prayed to God to help me make the right decision. Even though I struggled through the process, I believe that, for me, I have finally made the right one.
Good luck,