Author Topic: small AN and removals  (Read 15410 times)


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2013, 02:48:23 pm »
Agree with everything said here. It is just waiting at this point till my visit with Hopkins. I know what is suppose to happen will, and I will be okay.

I also must ask, how much does anxiety play into this and symptoms. I am fearful that I am making myself worse and cant tell the difference. I know balance and dizziness are a factor here because I am having trouble with balance therapy and the things I am having to do, but at the same time, i know I have bad anxiety and the mind is a powerful thing.

maybe that is for the doctors to figure out. I am honest and that is my truth. They are experts and I hope can tell the difference by test, and just examining me.

thank you all for the support!

« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 02:52:13 pm by macdonalddobies »
3mm AN in Internal Auditory Canal
-visual issues
-slight high frequency hearing loss
Currently in W&W


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2013, 09:34:47 pm »
Jessica, i am the same.. Only 31 and with a 1.8 cm AN.. But every one including my radiation oncologist recommends surgery.. Others are my GP and specialist.. I think anxiety is normal, don't worry.. I think you'll need to be a bit crazy to not care especially at our age.. You don't expect something to hit you this early in life.. But remember.. There will always be problems.. You fix one then another one comes.. We'll just have to fix problems as we go and try to not put too much emotion into it..
After I was diagnosed in October I felt all the symptoms, facial numbness, head pressure, headaches, problems swallowing you name it! Now, 2 months later, I have only hearing loss and tinnitus.. Feels like this thing is going away but i know that's almost impossible.. Most of symptoms were probably in my head! Dunno..
And I too get sometimes depressed when going out... I don't party like I used to.. Fun activities are not the same and I have this bloody tinnitus and hearing loss to constantly remind me of the AN.. It's crap but we'll get through this.. Hang in there!

31 years old female
Left AN 18x16x13mm diagnosed on the 17th of October 2013
21mm on the 19th of February 2014
Hearing loss, tinnitus
SRT 12th March 2014


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2013, 08:40:31 am »
Hi Joanna,

Do you have surgery scheduled yet? I am ready to just get this over with. Mine is only 3mm and causing such a problem. I keep saying I am going to push through this and get back to my life, but I keep getting caught up. One moment I feel strong and determined and the next, I feel like I'm lost. 

Any age having to deal with this really, really sucks. This just so happened to fall on me right when my husband and I were trying to start a family. I feel like my life is on pause till I figure all of this out. I know it is going to be a long road. I keep dreaming about surgery,  it is really weird.

Also, I know what you mean about going out to parties and it not being the same. I look at everyone laughing, having a good time, when I feel miserable on the inside. My husband is very supportive, but gets frustrated because he sees me constantly giving up. It is all I talk about and he just wants me back to myself, not giving updates every 5 minutes :)  It has only been since Sept. of this year finding out, so it is still fresh in my mind and hard to move past.

I guess come January 2nd, I feel I should know more of what is going on. I feel very lost right now and not really sure. Since this is so small I question how are they sure this is an AN and not something else. My symptoms have always been of what a medium to larger AN should be, but mine is so tiny.  Also, I have been pushed around to so many doctors, that I question if they really know what is going on. I hope Hopkins has the answers.

I am lucky for this group, there is nothing in the Northern VA area as far as support goes. It would be really nice to know people who have been through something similar that I could grab coffee with, etc. But I will settle for the ANA forum. :D

3mm AN in Internal Auditory Canal
-visual issues
-slight high frequency hearing loss
Currently in W&W


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2013, 07:55:44 pm »
Hey Mac :)

No I haven't scheduled anything yet.. My case is really weird.. The radiation oncologist sent me to surgery. I saw the surgeon on Wednesday and he said it can be treated with radiation if I want and somehow he didn't seem too sure about the surgery.. I feel none of them are confident to treat me.. Maybe cause I am young and actually writing my PhD thesis now.. If I get cognitive issues and after 24 years of school I'll need to work at some low paid job.. Plus I have no kids and no husband... This thing has the potential to destroy my future really bad.. Which scares me.. I will see another radiation guy and hopefully he'll be more confident..
In terms of long term issues from radiation, which it's not sure I'll have any.. I really wanted to post a link:

So we'll most likely die from other cancers than the AN radiation induced one..

My AN doesn't bother me now.. Just hearing loss and tinnitus.. Maybe it shrank by itself.. I heard this happening before.. It's really rare but then again ANs are really rare.. I would W&W if I were you.. My symptoms disappeared.. Maybe yours will too..

I get what you're going through and I think everyone in here can relate.. I am too driving everyone crazy with the latest statistics and other things that I have read.. I just can't help myself.. I'll probably end up losing all my friends.. Together with a few nerves on my left side of the head :( And yeah.. I do watch other people laughing like they have no problems in their life and I so envy them.. I ended up envying an old couple in the train wondering if I'll ever get that old and not being disabled or God knows what!

I JUST WANT TO TAKE A PILL and kill this thing!

31 years old female
Left AN 18x16x13mm diagnosed on the 17th of October 2013
21mm on the 19th of February 2014
Hearing loss, tinnitus
SRT 12th March 2014


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2013, 08:39:36 pm »
Please Mac.. Keep in mind that if you go ahead with the surgery.. You will get at least two disabilities, one hearing and one balance.. I am sorry to say this but it's the truth.. If you go for retrosig although it might save hearing, chances are higher that the tumor will regrow.. About the same as radiation if not more.. Translab will cut your hearing nerve.. Balance nerve is cut either way.. I have asked my surgeon if they reconnect the nerves.. He got a bit irritated and said they are really thin, like a piece of paper.. They may as well be, but they still transmit information.. Otherwise surgery peeps wouldn't have to learn to walk again after surgery.. At least with radiation I am not cutting my nerves and who knows? With the help of medicine and steroids we might be able to wake them up somewhere in the future. But if they're cut all hope is lost.. Good luck to all of us!

P.S. I have asked two of the smartest men (range of geniuses) I got to know which are also good friends of mine and both said "if I were you I would go with radiation" and showed genuine concern about surgery..
31 years old female
Left AN 18x16x13mm diagnosed on the 17th of October 2013
21mm on the 19th of February 2014
Hearing loss, tinnitus
SRT 12th March 2014


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2013, 08:43:27 pm »
Forgot your name is Jessica.. Sorry..
31 years old female
Left AN 18x16x13mm diagnosed on the 17th of October 2013
21mm on the 19th of February 2014
Hearing loss, tinnitus
SRT 12th March 2014


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2013, 09:03:25 am »
No Worries, Joanna. Mac isn't such a bad name :) I talked to my Dr. about radiation, he didn't seem thrilled about it. Although, they seem pretty confident in keeping hearing and balance in pretty good tact. I think a lot of people come out fine. As long as I am living, breathing, and enjoying life, I will take some bad with the good. If I lose hearing on one side, I think I am okay with that. I however would not like any balance issues or facial paralysis. That would not be good, but if it happens, I will push through it and be strong.

Have a Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas in my case, but you never know what people celebrate  ;D
3mm AN in Internal Auditory Canal
-visual issues
-slight high frequency hearing loss
Currently in W&W


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2013, 10:51:06 am »

not all get balance issues after surgery.  my an was so large and so long ago that we didn't talk options, Dr. wiet just did the operation, so i have no idea what approach he used.  my hearing was gone before surgery, but i also had some balance issues and weird feelings of continued movement after i stopped moving, my tongue also had one sided numbness.  no nerves, other than my acoustic were cut.  my balance now is only very, very slightly off, but not so bad that i have looked into exercises or therapy for it.  tongue was ok as well.  each case is different, depends on how the tumor grows
Very large AN removed Aug., 1988 - pushed cerebellum aside, touching brain stem
Dr. Wiet in Hinsdale did 12 hour surgery, got it all
Total right-side facial paralysis for 6 months, 50 - 75% return
Extreme dry eye and tinnitus in both ears
Lost all hearing in AN ear
1/8/14  AN Regrowth confirmed


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2013, 01:33:30 am »
I am an active person and love my sports.. I don't think balance issues fit into my schedule.. If there will be any, but not gonna risk it.. Together with other surgery risks.. And my AN doesn't bother me as Jessica's does.. Decision is yours :)

31 years old female
Left AN 18x16x13mm diagnosed on the 17th of October 2013
21mm on the 19th of February 2014
Hearing loss, tinnitus
SRT 12th March 2014


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2013, 01:54:54 am »
I was just wondering if anyone on here had a smaller AN, say between 3-7mm, but their symptoms were bad ( balance, dizziness,etc.) that they had it removed? Just wondering how long you waited and what prompted you to do the surgery? and what was the outcome?


Hello Jessica,

I am 25, and had an AN that was 6mm. On December 10th, 2013, I had a Middle Fossa surgery performed by Dr. Friedman at Keck Medical Center USC, Los Angeles. He preserved 100% of my hearing, I have no facial problems and the tumor was removed completely. After the surgery, I haven't had any headaches, I'm not very dizzy, my balance isn't all that bad, I was able to go out Christmas shopping several days after surgery. I do have some ringing in my ear, it seems to be slowly diminishing, and I have been advised it should cease completely or become very mild, but I'll take the ringing any day knowing the tumor is completely gone and not going to cause grief in the future. Being around the same age, I completely understand how scary this can be. I was petrified, I had to put all of my hobbies and schooling aside, my life came to a screeching halt, and I realized I had to deal with this immediately. As Leapyrtwins mentioned, I too personally suggest to confront this situation as soon as possible. I was diagnosed in June of 2013 and had it removed in December, I would've had surgery sooner but my insurance held me up for some time. In my opinion, with watching and waiting, you're only waiting to watch it destroy your hearing, and decrease your chances of a better outcome. I had to travel out of state in order to have the surgery and it was the best decision I've ever made. I would strongly suggest contacting Dr. Friedman to discuss your condition. He accepts MRI's and will give you his opinion over the phone.

Here is the link for Dr. Friedman/Keck Medical if you are interested in reading up on information...

I hope you find peace of mind with whatever decision you come to.



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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2014, 10:59:32 am »

Thanks for sharing. Makes me feel better that someone with a smaller AN has had such success. I agree that waiting around for something worse to happen is kind of silly.

3mm AN in Internal Auditory Canal
-visual issues
-slight high frequency hearing loss
Currently in W&W


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2014, 07:52:28 pm »
Hi Jessica - I am 43 and was diagnosed in July with a 6mm left sided AN.  I have tinnitus, "swimmy head" and some feelings of fullness in my face.  I have some visual perception issues when driving on a highway with a lot of other cars too.  It's very strange and unnerving!
I'm still figuring out what to do but saw that you were going to Hopkins.  I went there in Oct and just went for my follow-up MRI and appointment with Dr Della Santina.  Just wondering who you were going to see.   I feel comfortable with him, even though I'm not entirely sure I will go there for treatment. I have also visited University of Penn and Jefferson Hopsital in Philly (I live just outside of Philly).
My tumor is stable right now so I guess I have time to decide.  I will say this - I purposefully took the entire month of December off from thinking about, reading about and talking about this stupid thing!  I felt like it took over too much of my life - especially for the first few months after diagnosis.  I think it was good to have a vacation from it. 

Best of luck.  I totally understand what you're going through and how hard it is to wrap your head around everything.  Feel free to email me privately if you want to talk about Hopkins. 
6mmx4mmx4mm Left side AN with dizziness
currently researching treatments, doctors, etc


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2014, 10:52:01 am »
Hi Jessica,

My AN is about 7.4 x 8.4 mm and has been causing me imbalance issues for several years, along with some mild tinnitus.  I also have some hearing loss in my AN ear, but not very severe at this time (word recognition is 92%).  I was also told that it isn't the size of the tumor, it is more about the location and it varies from person to person.

The tumor was discovered in October, 2013 and the first thought that went through my head was to "get it out of there".  The neurosurgeon thought he could remove it and still preserve 65 - 80% of my hearing.  I scheduled surgery for early January.

Later, after doing some more research, and talking with a guy who had CyberKnife radiation therapy, I met with the radiation specialist at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, Wa and discussed that option.  I was very encouraged, and scheduled my CK therapy for early January, in place of the surgery.

Then I started thinking about my "quality of life" issues.  Even though my tumor was small, it was right next to my cochlea, and the radiation specialist thought I would totally lose my hearing in my AN ear after two - six months of the CK therapy.  I had another MRI in late December which showed no growth in the 3 months since my last MRI (the second MRI was conducted in preparation for the planned CK in early January, normally they recommend waiting for at least 6 months between MRI's).

So the question then became, "do I want to take radiation therapy and lose all hearing in my AN ear in 2 - 6 months, or do I want to Watch and Wait for awhile to see if my symptoms worsen".  My wife and I square dance 3 - 4 times per week, and being able to hear the "calls" and move around without stumbling or falling is essential.

So, I made the decision to Watch and Wait for at least 6 months.  If my symptoms get worse, I can always do the radiation therapy or surgery.  In the meantime, I will still be able to hear in my AN ear and the imbalance and tinnitus issues are not so great that I can't deal with them.

I feel a little embarrassed by the fact I changed decisions three times.  But in the end, it all comes down to doing what is best for yourself.  It took awhile to work through the decision process, and this forum, along with my local AN support group, the ANA information, and the information from the MRI's, the surgeon and the radiation specialist all factored into my decision.

There is one more symptom that I have not experienced, and that is facial nerve impairment.  This is a risk for W and W as well as surgery (I am not sure about the CK treatment).  I was at a family Christmas party and was talking to an attractive young lady about my AN.  I was telling her about my imbalance and tinnitus symptoms and she seemed to be thinking about the symptoms as if she had to deal with them and was ok with those two.  But when I mentioned that my facial nerve may become involved or damaged during surgery, she was absolutely aghast at that thought.  At the risk of being considered chauvinistic, I think women would probably be more sensitive and concerned about this issue than men (that said, I don't think either sex would like to experience this effect). 

So maybe you may want to ask your neurosurgeon; "how close is my tumor to the facial nerve and will there be a problem if you operate?" and  "What if I decide to W and W or undergo radiation therapy?"

Bottom line is, it is a very difficult decision.  There are three viable options, and, in my case anyway, I found that the physicians won't tell you that you have to do this option or that option.  So it is mainly up to you (with input from your family and friends) to make your way through the decision-making process.

I am 70 years old and cannot fathom what it would be like to be faced with your dilemma at 31.  I wish you well.

When I was making my decision(s), I prayed to God to help me make the right decision.  Even though I struggled through the process, I believe that, for me, I have finally made the right one.

Good luck,

74year old male, 8.3x7.3x6.5 mm AN on 10-28-13.  MRI on 12-30-13 showed no growth.  Imbalance issues and mild tinnitus.  MRI on July 13, 2014 showed no growth.  Still on W & W and taking baby-aspirin regimen.  MRI in July, 2016 show slow growth (1.1 cm).  MRI on July 24, 2017 was 8.2 x 8.6 x 8 mm!


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2014, 03:04:43 pm »
Hi rodneyd! I usually don`t say too much but in your case think you`ve made the best choice. At 70 years old W+W is definately the way to go...  While doing so, please stay active in what members of our W+W brigade posts have to offer. There is plenty you can do to offer yourself a chance of never having to intervine. I`m now 65 and W+W going into 7th year "stabile" and actually feeling better than I did... Welcome aboard! Best wishes, Mickey


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Re: small AN and removals
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2014, 11:17:20 am »
Thanks Mickey,

Appreciate the support and the suggestion about using the info on the W & W board.  I am comfortable with my decision and looking forward to doing more square dancing therapy!

74year old male, 8.3x7.3x6.5 mm AN on 10-28-13.  MRI on 12-30-13 showed no growth.  Imbalance issues and mild tinnitus.  MRI on July 13, 2014 showed no growth.  Still on W & W and taking baby-aspirin regimen.  MRI in July, 2016 show slow growth (1.1 cm).  MRI on July 24, 2017 was 8.2 x 8.6 x 8 mm!