I am curious to know how many of my fellow AN patience have prior to or after discovery and or post treatment had a swollen lymph node. Is this a common occurrence or is my situation unique?
I have had a swollen lymph node below my ear on the tumor side on my neck for several years. I found it about three years prior to AN discovery around the same time I began to lose my hearing. A biopsy showed no problems and just fluid. I have had it through chronic sinusitis, and Gk surgery and still have it 6 months post toastie.
The lymph gland swells and shrinks, it is in tune to my issues, when I increase in balance, hearing, tinnitus etc, the node swells. I am not sure what to think of it and all the physicians who have felt it don't seem to be worried about it. I have been told that it is not an issue until the swelling becomes hard to the touch.
So just curious, I find myself analyzing my aches and pains and wondering what to blame on the tumor and what not. Funny how you become hyper-vigilant after awhile.
I would like to thank all of you who have contributed to this website for newbies as myself have gained knowledge, peace of mind and emotional support that only you guys would understand. I am so glad I found you, thanks for taking the time to post your stories, I have found great comfort in knowing I am not alone and an understanding of the things that are happening as a result of the tumor and GK surgery. Thanks for giving me a description of what is happening to me.