Author Topic: Did you know or suspect?  (Read 17345 times)


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2014, 11:55:35 am »
Hi again nn/Fiona,

as you have probably gathered from my previous posts with you, I self diagnosed after googling my symptoms having had blood tests etc and ruled out other causes of the imbalance and dizziness and tinnitus. All my symptoms came on after reluctantly taking synthetic progesterone for peri menopause troubles.  I have since read research stating progesterone can triple the size of an AN. I had no symptoms before that, apart from a short spell of blocked ear three years previous.

Re your original question, many people have appeared on here and not come back, presumably because they were not diagnosed with an AN.  Hopefully you won't be, but pse let us know how you get on.

Alison x
CPA and IAC AN 14.5mm x 10mm x 8mm diagnosed August 2012 treatment in UK SRS Linac with headframe  Dec 2012 MRI 4 month post April 2013 was 18mm x 13 x 7.8 (this April MRI was not measured until Jan 2014) MRI January 2014 was 17mm x 11.4 x 8.3 (one year post)


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2014, 12:18:21 pm »
Seems about even then, between suspected and surprise.  Even looking at other sites (deafness support, tinnitus etc) to see what others' experiences are I keep coming back to people with the exact same symptoms as me who turned out to have an AN.  I don't know why I keep torturing myself with it - it's like picking a scab! 

I also took progesterone (mini pill) for years (probably a decade) but stopped recently for other reasons.  Glad I didn't buy the cream too!

What blood tests did you have?  I have mine tested every six months as I take blood pressure tablets and the surgery likes to give their hypertension patients a six monthly check-up.  I don't know what they test for, but they've never told me there were any abnormal results.

I did have a growth removed from behind my nose a few years ago, don't know if that's connected in any way?  It was sent to histology and found to be non-malignant.

I promise to let you know how the MRI goes at the end of the month, not long to wait now.  I just have to keep looking at the positives - 1. I am getting the MRI so will soon find out for sure. 2. It is not painful and 3. It is not making me sick (I am a lifelong emetophobe).  Beats focussing on the incessant racket in my head!  I am OK with the hearing loss/distortion so far - OH has to put up with subtitles if we watch TV (we don't actually have a set, but we watch the iplayer a bit) and he's being very patient repeating himself all the time!  The rest of my family live far away so I've only spoken to them on the phone - that's easy if I use the good ear.


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2014, 12:42:33 pm »
I had blood tests for everything they could think of, white cell count, kidney function, thyroid etc I was already anaemic through the peri menopausal bleeding which escalated with the progesterone. They thought I may have needed a blood transfusion, (luckily I avoided that). I was so dizzy and weak I had to get a taxi for the 5 min walk up the hill to my docs surgery. My pulse rate was 120.

My theory was the AN put on a growth spurt because of the progesterone, and my body went into meltdown. The ENT apt and subsequent MRI confirmed the diagnosis I  was expecting having done my research!

Alison x
CPA and IAC AN 14.5mm x 10mm x 8mm diagnosed August 2012 treatment in UK SRS Linac with headframe  Dec 2012 MRI 4 month post April 2013 was 18mm x 13 x 7.8 (this April MRI was not measured until Jan 2014) MRI January 2014 was 17mm x 11.4 x 8.3 (one year post)


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2014, 11:25:28 pm »
That must have been particularly scary.

I'm glad from reading your sig that things seem to have progressed well for you.  However did you stay positive and sane knowing that about your friend?

How did I keep positive?
Well I took a very proactive approach.
I wanted to find the best option.

When my youngest daughter was born, at 10 days old we self diagnosed a haemangioma (strawberry birthmark)on her eyelid.
This is a common benign growth that will normally disappear on its own by the age of 10.
However as it was on her eyelid there was potential for facial disfigurement and loss of the use of the eye.
If children don't learn to see out of an eye when very young they may never be able to use it.

At 21 Days old, 11 Days after we worked out it was a Haemangioma, and a growth that was doubling in size every few days, we had gone from GP, to paediatrician, to a plastic surgeon, and had it treated under general anaesthetic.

A simple steroid injection into the haemangioma was all that was required. But we got significant resistance and scepticism from the GP and Paediatrician as traditionally these things were left to grow and then diminish, and you copped the problems. The paediatric plastic surgeon had one look at it, and booked her into surgery the next day.

I did my research on Haemangioma's and it was obvious that the latest way of treating them was as soon as possible with steroids.
This practice is now the norm, but it wasn't 11 years ago and we had to push for it.

It was this experience that taught me how to get things done quickly with the medical profession.

I pretty much gave up work after I received the results of the CT Scan which returned the suspect result. Something I could do as I run my own business, and I left the running of the business to my managers.

I spent 14-16 hours a day 7 days a week researching AN's and what I considered was the best treatment.
I got access to the full medical articles through a friend.
Every few days I could tell my hearing was getting worse so I felt that it was a bit of a race against time to save my hearing too.

After 3 weeks I had settled on Cyberknife as my treatment choice. I live in Australia and neither Cyberknife or Gamma Knife existed in Australia at the time, so that meant going overseas.

When the MRI came back positive I started the process of finding a Cyberknife Treatment centre
I settled on the European Cyberknife Centre in Munich Germany who have treated around 1000 AN's

Dr Muacevic was my neurosurgeon, he is currently the president of the Radiosurgery Society.
He was brilliant... So was very pretty happy with my choice of neurosurgeon too.
Dr Muacevic was experienced in Microsurgery, Gamma Knife and Cyberknife for AN's

My hearing returned, and I still have what is considered normal hearing on my AN side, although its not as good as my good side. My balance has also returned, and I no longer feel fatigued.

I only spent around 6 weeks from first symptoms to having Cyberknife booked.
The moment I was locked in for treatment the weight of the world was lifted.
Not having that lingering doubt about what the future would hold helped a lot.
I had a solution and I was moving on and have not been concerned since that day.

I left Australia on Saturday Afternoon, arrived Sunday afternoon, saw Dr Muacevic on Monday Morning.
Got a High definition CT Scan and mask made. Tuesday morning got zapped.... single session CK 35 minutes treatment time.
Flew home Wednesday Night, (30 hour flight/travel) and arrived home Friday morning, dropped in on work Friday afternoon!
10x5x5mm AN
Sudden Partial hearing loss 5/28/10
Diagnosed 7/4/10
CK 7/27/10
2/21/11 Swelling 13x6x7mm
10/16/11 Hearing returned, balance improved. Feel totally back to normal most days
3/1/12 Sudden Hearing loss, steroids, hearing back.
9/16/13 Life is just like before my AN. ALL Good!


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2014, 03:05:01 am »
@Alison, pretty much what they test mine for then, apart from thyroid function.  I hope you got the rest of your symptoms sorted, it sounds like a lot to cope with on top of the AN.

@Paul, that's a very inspiring story, thank you.  It makes me feel less guilty for spending time I should be studying (I am a mature student) researching ANs.  I am studying a biology related degree, so I guess it's not totally off topic.  It also gives me confidence to push for a diagnosis and resolution for my symptoms, whatever the MRI reveals.  I am one of those people who doesn't like to make a fuss, my husband had to force me to go back to the doctors to sort out my hearing (he didn't have to force me for the vertigo, I thought I was dying LOL!). 

Thanks everyone for your answers, it truly does help to know that I'm not alone going through this, and your stories are extremely helpful.


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2014, 04:04:34 pm »
Dear Nuttyneddy,

You must put me in the unpleasant suprise column as well but with a big caveat, having had a completelypainful and  unpleasant brain event (AVM) happen to me once before in 1974, I was completely shocked and amazed that this brain event was happening again!!! To clarify if you read below in my bio I had one brain operation when I was 17 and then another brain operation this one for AN when I was 47 even though there were 30 years in between. Lightening, in my case, was striking twice!

 The first one was so  traumatic it involved several years of therapy both Speech and Physical Therapy that I was completely  in denial 30 years later so much so that I consulted 14 times in order to avoid another brain operation! I could not avoid that however and went in for my AN subtotal removal in 2004.

I didn't want to believe it but I began with symptoms of vertigo and falling much earlier than I would have thought but I began denying these and thought I was just abnormally clumsy!


1974 - Dr. Michelson  Colombia Presbyterian removal of 3 Arterio Venous Malformations
2004- Dr. Sisti  NY Presbyterian subtotal removal of 3.1 cm AN,
2012 - June 11th Dr. Sisti Gamma Knife (easy-breasily done)"DEAD IRV" play taps!
Research, research, research then decide and trust in God's Hands!


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2014, 11:37:10 am »
I was completely clueless.

One day I realized I had fullness in my ear and my hearing was diminished.  Figured I was coming down with a cold or something; wasn't concerned at all.  A few months later I went to my doc for a routine checkup and only mentioned my ear "issue" as an afterthought.  He gave me a Rx and we agreed if I had no change in 10 days I'd see my ENT.

ENT didn't see anything inside my ear but noted that my hearing test definitely showed a problem so he sent me for an MRI.  I still wasn't concerned;  figured it would show nothing and was very surprised when he called the next day to say I had "something" in my inner ear canal.  He wouldn't say what the "something" was - although I pressed him about whether it was a tumor.  He also told me he had "no idea" how big the "something" was.  I guess he just didn't know how to tell me; kind of unbelievable coming from a doc I'd known @ that point for 27 years.  He promptly referred me to a neurotologist.

After I scheduled an appt. with the neurotologist I went to the hospital to pick up my MRI films and a copy of the radiologist's report.  Only then did I see that the radiologist was spectulating that I might have an acoustic neuroma. 

Long story, short I opted for surgery.  Had a great outcome - my only permanent "issue" is SSD and I now wear a BAHA.  Life goes on - and it's a good life.

Things could have been a whole lot worse.


« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 11:39:02 am by leapyrtwins »
Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2014, 12:15:20 pm »
I have been giving this a lot of thought, and I am glad that I have suspicions and that I've been researching while waiting for a diagnosis.  That way, if the diagnosis is positive it won't come as a complete shock (I can only imagine the shock of going for what you thought was a routine test for an ear problem and finding out you have a tumour).  If the diagnosis is negative then instead of being disappointed not to find out what was wrong, I will instead be overjoyed that it is not a tumour  :D  Win:win situation.


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2014, 12:22:24 pm »
I understand your logic, but we look at things in the opposite way.

In my case, I didn't spend days, weeks, or months, worrying about something that I might or might not have.

There's enough things to worry about in my life - so I'm glad I was clueless  :)

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2014, 01:15:16 am »
Hi Jan

Glad it worked out well for both of us  :)

To be honest, my major concern at the moment is just figuring out what is wrong so I can get some treatment.  I'm so bone tired all the time that I'm having trouble with my everyday life, and it's having a major impact on my husband as well which I hate (the impact, not the husband!).  It's almost a worse feature than the tinnitus.  I think I am OK with the hearing loss, as long as I can still use my other ear I can use headphones and the telephone, and I've been pretty good at being able to avoid noisy places, and my balance is way better now than it was at the start.  I just don't want this to be how I am for the rest of my life  :-[


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2014, 03:58:57 pm »
I guess you could say I figured out that I had AN shortly after my first visit to the ENT.

Back in September, I noticed a change in my hearing. I noticed that if I was lying with my right ear on the pillow, I would only hear a clicking when the alarm clock went off in the morning. When I lift my head, I can hear the beeping. The tinnitus, which I have had for years and was dismissed by my family doctor, had also become markedly louder as well. I was also experiencing some imbalance issues as well. My wife was convinced it was wax build up.

After putting up with all that for a couple of months, I decided it was time to have it checked out and made an appointment with an ENT Doctor.

The Doctor found very little wax and had an audiologist check my hearing at that same appointment. The hearing test showed an asymmetrical hearing loss and impairment of auditory discrimination in my left year. The Doctor recommended an MRI. I called and scheduled an MRI at the clinic that the Doctor is at and went in for it just before Christmas.

Then I started researching on the internet. I checked for hearing loss on one side and that was the first time I saw Acoustic Neuroma. Then I read web sites, forums (including here), videos on you tube and the video on this site concerning Mark Ruffalo. By then, I was convinced that I had Acoustic Neuroma.

The MRI - what a disaster. I have never been claustrophobic but when they put the coil over my face and I was moved into the tube with my arms pressing on both sides of the tube, I panicked and they pulled me back out. I have never field something like that in my life. I went home and notified the Doctor’s office and the nurse called back and said the Doctor ordered some valium and to try it again. After much thought, and persistent obsessing over it, I got a message back to the Doctor that there was no way it was going to happen. The Doctor’s nurse said fine but the Doctor wanted to see me back in a office in a couple months.

When I saw him again I mentioned Acoustic Neuroma and he said it is very rare and the odds were greatly against that. I had another hearing test the speech recognition in my left year went from 56% down to 29% - that in about 3 months. That is when he strongly suggested the MRI and told me to go to the local hospital for an open MRI and prescribed valium.

I was prescribed 2 5 mg valium tablets and took them both before the procedure. I had the MRI with and without the gadolinium contrast. With the open MRI and the fact that I kept my eyes closed, I survived. I didn’t expect to hear much for about a week. I had the MRI on Wednesday afternoon and the Doctor’s nurse called me on Thursday saying the Doctor was going to be reviewing the results of the MRI and he wanted me to see me Friday afternoon or Monday morning. She said they would squeeze me in.

That confirmed it for me and I knew I was right. I knew I had AN

I met with the Doctor late in the Day Friday and he said I did indeed have an Acoustic Neuroma 1.2cm x .70 cm. He gave me the names of a Neurosurgeon and a Neurotologist at the Gamma Knife center and I am now scheduled for the Gamma Knife Surgery on April 11.
Dan Cagney

Diagnosed:  March 2014, with 1.2 cm AN left side.
Symptoms:  Tinnitus, 70% hearing loss, some balance issues.
Status:  Gamma Knife April. 11, 2014,
             Alexian Brothers Medical Center -
             Illinois Gamma Knife Center, Elk Grove Village, IL

chloes mema

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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2014, 02:37:32 pm »
I'm in the "complete and surprised" column also.

Even after my ENT said he was ordering an MRI to verify an acoustic neuroma, I was so hung up on having to have an MRI that I totally missed the conversation of what he suspected it was till he said well, there's only three ways to treat it (he started to say surgery) but then said we'll discuss all that when we find out for sure.  Talk about self induced stress for three weeks...

And as they say, it's all history now.


Diagnosed October 2011
Oct '11-9 X 6 mm left ear
Mar '12 - 1.25cm
Tinnitus, imbalance, and mild dizziness (ditsy)
My AN = Annoying Nuisance
Jan'12 W&W
May'12 CK completed
Oct'12 hemifacial spasms
Dec'19 It's back


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2014, 08:59:42 pm »
I had been misdiagnosed for years as psychosomatic.  During those years had pretty well determined I had some kind of brain tumor but not determined exactly what. When a doctor finally really listen to me he thought I might have MS.....I was relieved to find it was only an operable tumor!
1st AN surgery @ age 23, 16 hours
Loss of 7-10th nerves
mulitple "plastic" repairs to compensate for effects of 7th nerve loss
tumor regrowth, monitored for a few years then surgically removed @ age 38 (of my choice, not medically necessary yet)


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2014, 10:57:55 pm »
It was a complete surprise for me but a welcomed one because now I knew that my problem had a name.
Diagnosed with 19x16x19mm cystic AN right side on 7/2013
MRI on 3/2014 showed AN increased to 21x20mm
right side 70% hearing loss, tinnitus, balance issues
CK at Stanford completed 3/21/2014 (3 sessions)
Dr Steven Chang and Dr Iris Gibbs


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Re: Did you know or suspect?
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2014, 01:45:43 pm »
I knew something was different, once the tinnitus started.  I had been going to ENT for a few years because of  pain in that ear, but he could never see anything.  Pain is not a symptom of AN, but I STILL have it.  Anyway, I finally forced ENT to do some testing, but the two tests did not see the ear canal area.  He told me I had TMJ.

Next I went to my dentist and he said NO WAY to TMJ. 

Then I went back to my neurologist because I already have schwannoma in my T1 area of spine, that we have known about since 2007.  I NEVER told my neurologist about my ear pain, I kept telling my ENT.  So once I told him, he said let's do and MRI!

When I got to his office for the results, he still didn't have them.  Secretary had to get it faxed over.  This is two weeks after MRI.  He walks into the office while he is reading it and says VERY LOUDLY, "OMG you have an acoustic neuroma!" 

When I then went for hearing test at the ENT office, they said they would never have found it for years because I had no hearing loss and the tinnitus was my only symptom.  So my pushing made them find it.

Wish I had never found it! ;)
1.3x0.7 cm AN in right ear
Diagnosed 6/12/13
Tinnitus, ear pain
No hearing loss
GK 7/25/13