I have a question. I am 6 months post op with left side facial paralysis. My doctor says he expects me to recover facial movement, but he keeps extending the date and now I am wondering if my face will ever come back. I am recovering nicely in all other areas, but this facial paralysis is making me depressed and discouraged. My eye wont close so I recently had a weight put in, but it still doesn't close all the way or look right. People stare at me wherever I go and I am so sick of that "look" they give me.
I am back at the gym 3X a week, despite the "looks" and questions fellow cardio class members have. My question is: I feel a lot of tingling nerve movements in the paralyzed side of my face whenever i work out or get my heart rate up. Its kind of like get zapped with a weak battery all over my cheek and upper lip area. It stays around for awhile, then goes away. Sometimes I will get this sensation out of the blue, but it is mostly when I exercise. It's been months of this going on and still no movement in my face. Do you think exercise can help with facial regeneration? If so, why all these months of these weird sensations and nothing yet in improvement. I want to believe my doctor, but i feel like he's just putting me off. I was in ICU for 11 days after my large tumor removal due to severe swelling. Not sure if that is why its taking so long. I feel great in nearly every other way, but this is really getting me down. Plus, I'm scared that if I do regain some facial movement, then gamma next Jan. will put me back to square one. I have asked my doctor, but like i said, he just puts back the date I should expect some improvement even further.