Well I picked up my new Phonak BiCros (AudeoQ50) yesterday. It's early yet for me to really say much about the experience but I'm amazed at how it's going so far. First off I'm not SSD. I can hear noise in my AN ear, but my word discrimination is at 20%. My good ear is not quite 100%, I've lost high tones in that ear, so I did need some help in boosting the hearing in that ear. My sister came with me yesterday as we had some additional things to do, and driving home (I was driving), I asked her to speak to me looking straight ahead and then turning her head to look out the passenger window. I could hear her clearly for the first time in ages!!! We were both surprised and impressed.
Where I really felt I needed the help was at work. This morning I'm hearing all kinds of noises that are taking some getting used to. Paper rustling and others close to me typing on their keyboards are noticeable. What I've already enjoyed is hearing those others around me more clearly. I'm not straining to hear conversations or double check that people behind me or beside me are actually speaking to me.
I have to admit that this was a big decision to make. I wasn't emotionally ready to start wearing a hearing aid, but in less than 24 hours, I'm already glad I'm giving this a chance!