The day of my last hearing test was when I decided I was ready to go ahead and purchase the BiCros. My word discrimination had dropped to 20% and with my good ear not being 100% I was noticing problems at work and various social situations. The audiologist took about 5 minutes to do some measuring and we were done. The BiCros was ready for me to pick up two weeks after my appointment. The initial appointment to pick up the BiCros was 1 hour. The audiologist reviews how to wear it, how to clean it and she does some adjusting to the settings. I left the hospital wearing it and have never looked back! It's great. I go back in one more week (3 weeks after picking it up) so the audiologist can add some programs, make some further adjustments and see how I'm doing.
Not sure if all audiologists work the way mine does, but she wanted me to have 3 weeks to adjust to wearing them set at the basic "auto" setting. Once I had adjusted to wearing them and the new sounds I was hearing, she said she would add the different programs for me to start getting used to.
Not sure how it works in the US, but here in Toronto, I have a 90 day trial period where if I cannot adjust to wearing the BiCros (or any other hearing aid), it can be returned for either cash or an exchange of product.
I do wear glasses and most of the time I have no trouble wearing both the glasses and the BiCros. I get a little frustrated when switching glasses as I have a separate pair of glasses for working on the computer, a separate pair of prescription sunglasses and then my regular walking around and reading glasses. They all fit slightly different, so some pairs require a bit more wiggling to make sure they are straight.
Good luck and let us know how you make out.