Author Topic: 4 months post op today  (Read 1759 times)


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4 months post op today
« on: April 03, 2014, 04:41:35 am »
well today marks 4 months that we started this journey with my husband.
We had a neuro appointment Monday and an MRI. The MRI was good. I had no doubt it wouldn't be :)
The neuro was pleased with his progress but was not positive about his facial paralysis. I had to tell him that we were very positive that it would return and will continue to keep the faith :) So far He has felt one twitch and felt like things were crawling on the side of his face..this has happened a few times.

The ENT surgeon was a little more hopefully. We go back in 6 months to see them both again and for another MRI. At that time they want to re-evaluate the paralysis and have mentioned a nerve surgery but I think my husband will decline. Also will discuss a hearing aid to help re-route sound. Anyone had this before and had good results with the hearing aid?

He did have a small incident the other day...he got tangled up in hoses at work and stumbled. It took him about 45 minutes to get over the nausea and dizziness that hit him hard. This was a first for him and made him nervous. But he gained his balance back and was okay for the rest of the day.

Glad 4 months is behind us now..
3 cm AN removed 12.3.13 - 12 hours in surgery
Emory Healthcare Midtown Atlanta
Left Side facial paralysis - intact facial nerve
1.31.14 - Gold weight implant and tarsal flap
2.17.14 RETURNED to work :)
10.6.14 - 10 month MRI shows stable