Author Topic: Post Op 8 months  (Read 2381 times)


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Post Op 8 months
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:18:38 am »
Hello everyone! I am in hopes someone out there will read this and be able to help. I had surgery in Aug 2013 and had my whole rt side balance nerve removed totally. I lost 100% hearing and balance is okay although I get dizzy and off balance every day, I just deal with it pretty much. About a month ago I woke up and lost all my hearing on left side and panicked! Had shot steroid treatments in my ear drum, which hurt like crazy!, but I did recover most of my hearing. I have ringing in my ear and last checked lost about 20% hearing. Tomorrow I go for check up and see on if a hear aid will work and help or what my options are. The last few weeks my surgery incision area have been causing me a lot of sharp pain... feels hot and burning. I am not sure why  still but can anyone relate? I have not called my dr about it. Last time it felt like this shortly after surgery and he said was the nerves healing. Should it not be healed by now or no? Ugh... really ready to be over all this and be able to enjoy the summer! Thanks for reading and answering if you can. :) Derika


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Re: Post Op 8 months
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 07:08:33 pm »
Did your doctor say why you woke up with no hearing in your good ear?


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Re: Post Op 8 months
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 01:41:33 pm »
Hello, My specialist says it is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL). Here is a info site for it... Normally it happens in one ear and lucky me it just happened to be my 1 good ear. I went today for my ck up and I go next week to talk about hearing aid as I have lost 20% hearing and can't hear high pitch sounds. Ugh... I try to not get discouraged but sometimes it is hard. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Also the stinging where I had my surgery... was stitches that had not come out properly. The inside stitches so he pulled them out and cleaned the area. I guess it was getting infected. Everything else is good... so far. Hopefully that is all for a long time.


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Re: Post Op 8 months
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2014, 09:08:51 am »
God Bless.


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Re: Post Op 8 months
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2014, 06:10:46 pm »
I was hoping to read  someone  post after 8 month post opt my AN was removed on september 6 and i had gamma K in april. i am dealing with changes now i find i feel depressed and prefer to spend my time in a quiet space, very unusual to who i was before . I traveled last week and since returning find my vision is out of focus  and head feels like i am in a bubble any ideas what may cause this I am scheduled to see my dr this coming week