Looking for treatment options advice. 12 years ago had a 7mm tumor surgically removed at Mass General by Dr. Martuza. In the last couple of weeks have had intense dizziness symptoms, leading to an MRI on Sunday, which revealed 3mm of new growth. My Wife and I own a B & B and are about to enter busy season. I love to downhill ski and ride motorcycles, so continuing dizziness is not an option.
As i recall from 12 years ago, re-surgery was not an option, due to the difficulty of dealing with scar tissue. So, I'm thinking radiation (gamma knife?), and I really don't want, and can't handle a year of recovery again at age 64, and as an inn-keeper. One of the reasons I did not do radio surgery last time, was that the physician who ran that unit at Mass General could not respond to the question of resolution of dizziness symptoms. I have very little hearing left in my right ear anyway, so that's not so much of an issue for me.
Would like to hear from folks who have had regrowth and how they dealt with the options.