Author Topic: Headaches  (Read 7252 times)


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« on: June 06, 2005, 05:10:32 pm »
I have been having the worse headaches and it's been over a year since my surgery.  I also have severe tinnitus on the AN/deaf side and sometimes I think it is all relative.  I am at my wits end as to what to do for this.  My doctors have been treating me for migraines but nothing seems to work except for fioricet which I have had to double.  I know it's not good to be on the fioricet nothing else seems to help.  I doubt my doctor will leave me on it much longer anyway.  I've tried topomax, beta blockers, imitrex type meds, etc.  I am going to see my neurosurgeon for a followup mri at the end of the week, can anyone think of anything else I should ask him about this ???  I will try just about anything that I can afford! 
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 07:04:31 pm by Static »
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
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Re: Headaches
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 07:16:31 pm »
My neurosurgeon suggested a steroid injection near my incision as a means of diffusing some of the pain causing my headaches . I didn't have to have to do this as my headaches have been less frequent. Have you had physical therapy or tried strength training? These have been helpful with my pain management. Take care and I hope you find a treatment that yields results.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2005, 07:20:01 pm »
You might want to ask your Doctor about botox, yep the same stuff they use for
wrinkle control.  My daughter has severe headaches due to a non AN related brain condition.  Her Doctor has recommended botox since she has tried drugs within 4 different groupings that has failed.  Due to the cost of botox this seems to be one of the requirements needed for insurance to cover it.  She has been denied, but will appeal.  Everything I have read using botox for headaches has shown this  has been helpful for those with chronic severe headaches.  

I'm glad to read that you are having a MRI done.  Other non AN conditions  will result in severe headaches.  

Also ask your neurosurgeon if they have a headache specialist on staff that they work with.  My daughter has found the one on one  helpful and have explored
causes that seemed unrelated, including sleep apnea.  For my daughter it's a good working relationship. that has helped.

One last thing, check your pilllow, make sure that it is giving you enough support.

Hope this helps

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Re: Headaches
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2005, 01:50:18 pm »
Thank you for your input, I will discuss these with my doctor on Friday.  I already had the MRI, just have to take the films for him to read!
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
SSD Right


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2005, 03:59:10 am »
many years ago, when I 1st began wityh bad headaches, I WAS GIVEN PAMALOR.  IT  HELPED SOMEWHAT.  iT is an antidepressent that helps somehow w/ headaches.

I REMed like a banchie.  The Headache Inst in  san  antonio, tx  1st prescribed it an Fiorcet to me also.  Neither of these drugs alterd my personality or ability to function It wasn't a zombie med as many of the meds of these catagories can do.  I don't like meds that alter my the slightest.  I'm kinda neurotic about that. 

There is more to tell about Pamalor if anyway would like to know

See there are many options open to you. that I could elaborate on if u want me to.

Sometimes a pharmasist caan prrovide  a lot of inffo.  You might ask both  annd then judge for yoursellff.  From my info, feww peeoplee becomee addicted or OD from Fforcet  due to the caffeine,,, but you ask the professionals... good luck



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Re: Headaches
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2005, 01:06:08 pm »
I am currently undergoing Botox injections for (tension type) headaches which do help (in combination with other meds) although I still have headaches every day, they are starting to feel a little different. I have found that ice is very helpful for me when I have headaches and used to have to lay on ice packs 2-3 times a day. With the injections I have found I do not have to go to the ice pack so some improvement..maybe 25% so far.

Botox is expensive and insurance will cover it if it is written up the correct way.  The doctor I go to is a Neurologist that specializes in it and teaches others how to do it. He said that he has never been turned down by insurance because of the way he writes the authorization request. (Dr. Vollbracht at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater FL). He also treats patients with MS and Parkinson with Botox injections.  The thought of it scared me at first, but it wasn't too bad.  But remember that Botox injections are not a cure...they temporarily treat the symptoms.  
I have to go for injections every three months and I have been told it could take up to a year for me to see the real affects.  I have only had two rounds so I have another 6 months before I know how much it will help. If it works I will have to keep going every 3 months maybe forever. They inject the Botox in MANY little injections around the back of my head, in my neck, around the incision site, over the top of my head and also in my forehead.  Last time he also gave me to hydrocortizone injections in my neck as it was very stiff.
My other neurologist told me last week that he is seeing an improvement in my range of motion too.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2005, 08:31:14 am »
has anyone had any luck with taking feverfew?


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2005, 06:29:12 pm »
Hey Steph-  I haven't taken feverfew for headaches, but be careful..  As my Dr. told me, we think because its "natural" it's ok.  Not necessarily..  I once took a "natural" herb for allergies, and ended up with a swollen mouth, tongue, throat etc.. Kind of scary.  Just be careful, if you have any allergies, I would think twice. luv2teach
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2005, 11:50:04 am »
good to know, thanks for the advice. That's all I need ::)


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2005, 12:18:15 pm »
I agree about being careful with feverfew...
I have a lot of allergies and it made me sick as a dog.  It does work for some people, but remember - natural or not, you are still adding a foreign substance into your body.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2005, 08:09:46 pm »
 For me, Feverfew sometimes does work for mild post op headaches, and it doesn't pose the risks that elevated doses of ibuprufen and even acetaminophen do.  I have taken it for several months almost daily to control pain, and I have been fortunate to suffer no allergic reactions at all.  That said, Feverfew does not always diminish pain; for stronger attacks, I resort to Ultraset or Hydrocodone.  Even they do not always work...any suggestions?
3.5 cm AN total resection via suboccipital  April 2003 Barker & McKenna, MGH Boston one week, two weeks Spaulding Rehab
silicone punctal plugs in lower puncta for dry eye,
persistent post op head pain
Acupuncture, craniosacral treatments, Tramadol   200  reduced to 150, now 100mg. daily Feb 2007


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2005, 04:42:15 pm »
I am pre-op, but I have had a constant headache for 17 months. At one point I had a spinal leak from an epidural and didn't know it because the headache wasn't as bad as my normal one and I only took tylenol for it (if that helps you gauge the severity ;))

I have had some success with Fioricet (but lessening), some with Topamax (but dosage is increasing) and here' what else I have found that works:

ROFLING: it's a deep, deep massage therapy. You can find a local rolfer by looking here: and when you contact a practitioner tell them your situation and they usually will work on the specific area (head/neck). It really helped me and I am going to go back to my rolfer soon for another treatment. My last one was in March.

PEACE OF MIND by Origins: It costs $10 a bottle and you can buy it at the make-up counter area of any Macy's or Origins store. It is an aromatherapy lotion specifically made for headaches and it really works. A few weeks ago a friend of mine had me try it. I had a screaming headache that two Fioricet hadn't touched and one application of the lotion (you put it on your neck, temples and earlobes) gave me 1-1/2 to 2 hours of headache-free BLISS. I went and bought two bottles! I only use three drops per application and it's going to last me a long time. :)

I hope that helps. Headaches are horrible.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2005, 01:12:40 pm »

how did you get on seeing your surgeon?

I too am over a year post-op with debilitating headaches.  I've been on max doses of Ibuprofen since day one.  I am currenty trying Pregabalin.  I was originally on 50mg (which I am told is too small to notice).  I am now on 300mg and, on the advice of a pain specialist, heading towards 600mg.  Has anyone taken such a high dose.  I know of people taking 300mg.  As yet there is no difference.

I tried Feverfew and didn't notice anything either way.

The frustrating thing is that no-one is willing or able to say what is causing the headaches!  I didn't have them pre-op and I've had them constantly post-op, yet it is repeatedly questioned as to whether the op has anything to do with it.  Well, I'm no doctor but - duh!

Anyhoo always happy to hear (on one side) any suggestions.

Keep smiling
UK.  1cm AN removed by Translab approach. CSF leak.  Severe headaches.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2005, 02:40:56 pm »
I have not seen my surgeon, believe it or not he rescheduled me until december. I guess I am not longer considered a priority. but the good news is I have been trying acupuncture and it is REALLY WORKING. I still get the headaches everyday but they are about 50% less powerful than they used to be. I highly recommend this, also I use peppermint oil high up on my neck when I get them it that helps a little too.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2005, 04:46:26 pm »
Hi guys,

I have had constant and at times debilitationg headaches for 3 years now following middle fossa surgury to remove my AN. Shame i didn't fully understand the radiosurgery options that jamie and others have given their time to document. Anyway, my AN has grown back and I am strongly considering radiosurgery particularly as I don't want my headaches to get worse. I take Neurontin 300mg, 3 times a day. I will be looking at increasing the night dose to 600. It does help but not enough. I have tried all sorts of pain killers and anti inflams to no avail. I have tried 3 doses of steroids injected in the head to no avail. I'm confident (gut feel) that for me anyway, the headaches are due to the cutting of the nerves and scalp and the tight resewing of the scalp flap. I am now resolved to putting up with these headaches.
Ibuprofen is a rather "mild" anti inflam - its sold over the counter in Australia braded as Nurophen. In my readings of this site, neurontin seems to be the most common drug taken. Having said all of that, its trial and error and I have no idea what my kidneys will look like in 10 years time!

2.0cm AN removed Nov 2002.
Dr Chang St Vincents, Sydney
Australia. Regrowth discovered
Nov 2005. Watch and wait until 2010 when I had radiotherapy. 20% shrinkage and no change since - You beauty
Chronologer of the PBW