I am responding to original post without reading other replies. I totally get what you are saying, in many ways. I watched a youtube video where the guy said don't tell people and made it seem like the reason for telling people would be to get the "oh you poor dear", I haven't done that, but I did tell a few people and it IS because I just want SOMEONE to care...to SHOW they care. I don't know what they could do to make me feel better, but it seems like just a sincere "oh man that stinks" and then silence instead of " How about them Bears??" that would be great. My mom understands because she has one too...but that is a hard situation too, cause she has one and I am her daughter. She feels bad that her daughter is going to need brain surgery and she feels bad because she is too...I talk to her a lot, but it makes me feel rotten. I do not want to burden her...I don't want to burden anyone, but like you it seems like my husband thinks I am exaggerating. It is like " HELLO...part my skull will be cut OFF, not replaced...instead of the skull there it will be belly fat"...yes I have had four children and have belly fat to spare...but it is like I get the blank look and then the "what's for dinner?" I am learning not to expect ANYTHING from anyone...from emotion, concern and care, to physical help. I really have never felt more like becoming a "hermit" in all my life. Sometimes...like right now, I dream of winning the lotto and escaping to a secluded house with my children and just living off the land. I know there are way worse problems in the world, and I try to focus on them, but my mind drifts back to AN world and here I sit.
I am dragging my feet on surgery due to help with the children and the common side effects of surgery that are pretty scarey, but I know the side effect of no surgery is comma and or death if left...plus the facial paralysis and hearing loss.
So from cyberland, I am sending (((Hugs)) and letting you know you are not alone in your "aloneness". I am praying for you to have the best possible journey through this.