Author Topic: Can hear a pin drop, but cant hear in crowded/noisy envirornment  (Read 2510 times)


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Lucky for me my hearing tests within the normal range. However, I continue to experience auditory discrimination/processing problems. For example, it's very difficult (if not impossible) for me to hear other people in restaurants, bars, etc. I had a neuro-psych evaluation and I scored well below normal in auditory attention/memory too, yet my IQ was within normal range.

I was wondering if anyone else on this board has experienced similar hearing issues. If so, what strategies do you use to cope with these issues?

My tumour was located in my left cerebellar hemisphere. The cerebellum is responsible for aspects relating to: sensory processing , eye coordination, visual vestibular issues. Maybe this explains my problem, as I often feel overwhelmed in a highly stimulating environment.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 10:13:17 pm by saccadiceye »
Cerebellar lesion removed late-Feb 2013
Age 22