Author Topic: Dizziness getting worse... ENT appointment not until mid-July.  (Read 2929 times)


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I'm of limited means, of modest coverage (Medi-Cal and Medicare from disability), and the earliest time to so much as see an ENT (not a surgical visit, just an ENT to second what the emergency room people said about my vertigo attacks, I hope).

I suppose I'm partially venting, but I'm also asking: am I doing enough? I get exhausted easily by chasing phone calls and appointments, and there's only so many specialists around and only one takes the coverage I have fully (the one I'm seeing in a number of weeks). A great feeling of dread is hanging over me. "Wait and see" has meant waiting to see how many new things the tumors in my cochlea and vestibule can do.

I'm scared, at wit's end, and for all I know I'll get told "wait and see" again. Walking is becoming a challenge, I collide into things like a toddler, and sometimes I can't walk at all (rare, but getting more common, every few days I get at least a brief vertigo attack). What do I do?
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 02:14:42 pm by anothereveryman »


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Re: Dizziness getting worse... ENT appointment not until mid-July.
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 02:14:09 pm »
I originally put mid-June for the ENT appointment. I meant mid-July, thus my distress.