Hi everyone!
I really loved the idea that this forum is a way for us to pay it forward and share our experiences to help with the anxiety and the stress of having AN. I've never posted before but used the forum extensively to understand the consequences and decisions that I was making. I am 39 and was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with a 2.0cm AN and I had my surgery this past Tuesday at House with the amazing Slattery, Schwartz, Stefan team. I discovered the AN after going to many doctors and to at least 2 neurologists who finally ordered a MRI. It was difficult to detect because I didn't have the usual symptoms. I had perfect hearing on both sides (both on hearing test and ABR), no facial issues, only weird thing was a numbness to my chin. The location of my AN was tucked in a way that made Retro Sig a good option as well as the fact that I can hear so well. Schwartz gave me 33% chance for preserving hearing. Slattery raised it to 60% after the ABR came back so well. They gave me 90% of no permanent facial weakness. After reading what everyone has said about House, I felt like these are as good of odds as I can get.
I opted for the surgery quickly because it is in my personality to want to start dealing with the outcome instead of waiting to see if it will grow any further. It is also true that the better the hearing you have prior to the surgery helps the chances of preserving hearing.
I went in on Tuesday at 5:45am. My surgery lasted 11 HOURS!!! My family was so worried since they were a bit quiet about informing the family in the last few hours. They said that my neuroma was a bit bloody so they were taking their time. But the good news is that it was completely removed and both my hearing and facial nerves are intact! In fact they were able to get ABR reading even right after the surgery which is promising.
Wednesday to Friday - I was in the ICU the entire time. This is longer than usual. They wanted to really drain my spinal fluid so that I won't have a leak since my AN was a bit wet and messy. Frankly those few days were the most miserable experiences of my life just feeling completely nauseous and want to vomit as soon as I open my eyes. I can barely remember those days...just people making me feel better with drugs and my family kissing my head so I know they are there. By Friday, they also removed the bandage around my head. On Friday, one amazing thing that really helped my psyche was when the nurse gave me a sponge bath and cleaned my hair. As small as that was, it made me felt so much more human.
Saturday - I was finally transferred to the floor in a private room. I can now open my eyes and not throw up and even managed to drink some soup. By night, I was walking around the floor but felt nauseous afterwards. I tried to keep my pain and nausea medicine to a minimal. I just didn't like how it totally knocks me out. I don't want to feel like I need to constantly take something to feel better. Also, some of the nausea medicine gave me the craziest hallucinations. I kept trying to convince my friends and family that the wall is moving. I even tried to take a video of it.
Nevertheless, I really didn't want to feel so out of it so I try to only to take the drugs that I can take orally rather than intravenously. (though only after I was out of the ICU)
Sunday (today) - By the morning, I was antsy to leave. I somehow feel like the hospital is not the best place to be to make further improvement on my overall health. I told everyone I wanted to leave and they seemed to be pretty positive about it. I came home today and spent time with my family, husband, and 1 year old son. The journey has been tremendous and I'm grateful for my results. Now I'm taking it one day at a time and hope for a full recovery.
Questions: I hope some of the veterans can help with a few questions:
While I can hear out of the AN ear, even listened to cellphone messages just to check if I can hear, I still feel fullness only in the surgery half of my head. The docs said that sometimes during surgery there is some liquid that gets into the middle ear canal and it feel likes an ear infection so everything is ringing and vibrating loudly. They said that should go away in a few weeks. Anyone else have that issue? and did it clear up?
CSF leak - I know that they took extra precaution to make sure that I don't have a leak. But every time I feel a weird taste in my mouth I'm wondering if I have a leak. Is it true that if you have a leak, it will be VERY obvious? What should I watch for?
Thank you all for listening and I hope I can be of help for others in the future.